bling the voter to prepare his ballot, or shall, during such elec-
tion, remove, tear down or deface any of the cards or specimen
ballots printed for the instruction of voters, shall be punished
by fine of not less than five dollars ($5) nor more than five
hundred dollars ($500) or by imprisonment in jail for a period
not exceeding one year, or by both tine and imprisonment, in
the discretion of the court.
102. Whoever shall, except aa in this article otherwise pro-
ballot to be
seen, etc.
vided, allow his ballot to be seen by any person with the appar-
ent intention of letting it be known how he is about to vote, or
place any distinguishing mark upon his ballot, or who shall
make a false statement as to his inability to mark his ballot, or
who shall, interfere or attern pt to interfere with any voter when
inside the inclosed space in the polling-room, or when marking
his ballot, or who shall endeavor to induce any voter before
voting to show how he marks or has marked his ballot, shall be
punished by fine of not less than tive dollars ($5) nor more than
one hundred dollars ($100) or by imprisonment in jail for a
period not exceeding sixty days, or by both fine and imprison-
ment, in the discretion of the court.
ballot, etc.
103, Whoever shall wilfully destroy or deface any ballot, or
shall take or remove any ballot outside of the enclosure pro-
vided for voting, before the close of the polls, or wilfully
delay the delivery of any ballot, or who shall, on or before any
day of election, have or retain in his possession any official
ballot printed for said election or any imitation thereof save
and excepting when such possession by him is necessary or ap-
propriate and designed for the purpose of carrying out the
true intent and meaning of this law, or who shall canvass or
electioneer in said polling place or within one hundred feet
distant from the same, or who shall hold any tickets or fac-
simile tickets or papers purporting to be tickets, either in said
polling place or within said distance from the same, shall be
fined not less than fifty dollars ($50), nor more than five hun-
dred dollars ($500), or shall be imprisoned in jail for not
exceeding sixty days, or shall be subject to both fine and im-
prisonment, in the discretion of the court.
Taking liquor
into office
of registra-
tion, etc.
104. Whoever, during the hours of registration or revision
of registration or during the hours of election or canvass of
votes, or of making returns thereof in any precinct, shall
bring, take, order or send into, or shall attempt to bring or
take or send into any place of registration, or revision of regis-
tration, or of election, any distilled or spirituous liquors, wine,