any report, return, certificate or any evidence in this article re-,
quired, he shall, upon conviction thereof be adjudged guilty of
a felony, and shall for each and every such offense be punished
by imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than one nor
more than five years.
98. If at any election precinct, at any registration of voters.
or revision thereof, any officer of registration shall knowingly
or wilfully admit any person to registration, or make any entry
upon any register unless a majority of the board of registry in
said precinct are present and concur, or if at any election here-
after held, any judge or clerk of election shall receive any vote
or proceed with the canvass of ballots, or shall consent thereto,
unless a majority of the judges of election in said election pre-
person to
register, etc.
cinct are present and concur, he shall, upon conviction thereof,
be adjudged guilty of a misdeameanor, and shall be punished
by imprisonment in jail for not less than ten nor more than
ninety days, or by a tine not less than ten dollars ($10), nor
more than two hundred and fifty dollars ($250), or by both such
fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the Court.
99. If any officer of registration in any election precinct
shall without urgent necessity absent himself from the place of
registration during the hours prescribed by law for registering
voters, or if any judge or clerk of election shall, without urgent
necessity be late at the opening of the polls, or shall absent
himself therefrom during the election or during the canvass of
ballots or the making up of the returns, he shall, upon convic-
absence of
tion thereof, be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall
be punished by imprisonment in jail for not less than ten days
nor more than six months, or shall be fined not less than twenty
dollars ($20) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.)
10G. Whoever shall (1) falsely make or fraudulently deface
or fraudulently destroy any certificate of nomination or any
part thereof, or (2) file any certificate of nomination, knowing
the same or any part thereof to be falsely made, or (3) suppress
any certificate of nomination which has been duly filed, or any
part thereof, or (4) shall forge or falsely make the official endorse-
Falsely mar-
ine certifi-
cate of
tion, etc.
ment on any ballot, shall be punished by fine of not less than
one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars
($1,000), or by imprisonment in jail for a period not exceeding
three years, or by both fine and imprisonment, in the discretion
of the court.
101. Whoever shall, during an election remove or destroy any
of the supplies or other conveniences placed in the booths or
compartments in this article described for the purpose of ena-
booths, etc.