238. In all cases in which any person shall be found guilty
of violating any of the ordinances of the corporation of
Frederick, it shall be lawful for the justice of the 'peace of
election district number two in Frederick county, trying said
cause, upon conviction of the offender, to impose the fine pre-
scribed by the particular ordinance under which said person is
tried, and upon failure or refusal of the party convicted thereof
to pay such fine and cost, to commit the person convicted to
the jail of Frederick county for the time prescribed by said
ordinance, unless the person convicted shall pay such fine and
costs before the day limited in such commitment, in which case
the justice who tried the cause shall issue his order to the
sheriff to release said person.
Powers of
253. In all appeals from the judgment of the justice to the
Circuit Court for Frederick county, the party appealing shall
give bond with at least two sureties, to be approved by said
justice, in a penalty double the amount of the fine imposed
and the cost which may accrue on such appeal, which penalty
shall be adjudged by such justice and conditioned that if the
party appealing shall not prosecute such appeal with effect at
,the next term of the Circuit Court, and also pay and satisfy
said Mayor and Alderman, in case the judgment of the justice
shall be affirmed, as well as the tine and cost adjudged by the
said justice, as also all cost that shall be awarded by the said
court, then the said bond to be and remain in full force and
effect, otherwise to be of no effect, and no such appeal shall
be heard by the court until such bond shall be given and
approved as aforesaid, and filed with the clerk of the court.
Appeal bond.
255. All offenses against the laws and ordinances of the
Mayor and Alderman of Frederick shall be tried and deter-
mined by one of the justices of the peace of election district
number two of Frederick county, and all arrests for breaches
of the laws and ordinances of the corporation shall be made
by the constables appointed by the Mayor and Alderman of
Frederick, and by no other constables whatsoever, and for com-
pensation for services rendered under this sub-title of this
article, each of said justices of the peace shall receive in equal
quarterly instalment from the said Mayor and Alderman of
Frederick, the sum of one hundred dollars annually, and each
of said justices shall have jurisdiction to try all causes, and to
impose the respective penalties therefor, prescribed by the ordi-
nance of the Mayor and Alderman of "Frederick," and which,
by the terms of said ordinance are to be imposed by the Mayor
and Alderman, as well as the penalties hereafter prescribed by
Trial of eases.