AN ACT to pay to the School Commissioners of Garrett
County, a sum of money out of the State School Tax.
WHEREAS, In view of the pressure of the present appor-
tionment specially upon Garrett county, of the State school
fund, and her inability, without large increase of county tax-
ation, to keep open her schools for more than four or five
months; and in view of the fact that mountain ridges so
divide the population of Garrett county, the largest county
of the State in area, as to render school facilities for all of
the children more expensive than in more central parts of
the State; and,
WHEREAS, It has been unanimously recommended by the
State Board of Education, that such sum of money should be
paid out of the State school fund to the Board of School
Commissioners of Garrett county; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Comptroller of the Treasury be and he is hereby
authorized and required to draw his warrant upon the Treas
urer in favor of Garrett County School Board for the sum of
four thousand dollars per annum for two years, out of the
proceeds of the State school tax before making apportionment
thereof; provided, however, that no portion of said four
thousand dollars per annnm shall be used for any other pur-
pose than for salaries and ordinary running expenses of said
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 2, 1896.
AN ACT to amend and extend the charter of the Mutual Fire
Insurance Company in Baltimore county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the provisions of the original charter of the Mntnal
Fire Insurance Company in Baltimore county, passed by the
General Assembly of Maryland at the December session of
1849, chapter 213, limiting the duration of said company to the
Charter made