than one such removal, duly qualified and belonging to the
same political paity as the person or persons so removed, and
with similar recommendations as in the original appointment,
to perform the duties of said office or offices in the place of the
person or persons so removed from office; and the person or
persons so appointed shall qualify in the same manner as if
he or they had been originally appointed under this act; and
the County Commissioners shall have and exercise similar
powers of removal and appointment of any assessors or clerks
by them appointed; and any new appointees by them made to
supply vacancies thus made shall qualify in the same manner
as if he or they had been originally appointed under this act;
and the power to appoint either by the Governor, or County
Commissioners, shall exist to fill vacancies, however caused.
Oath of
boards and
169. The respective Boards of Control and Review, and
every clerk appointed under the provisions of this act, shall, in
addition to the oath prescribed by the Constitution, before he
enters upon the duties of said office of assessor, member of the
Boards of Control and Review or clerk, shall take the follow-
ing oath or affirmation before some person authorized by law
to administer an oath or affirmation, to wit: "I —— — do
swear (or solemnly and sincerely and truly declare and affirm)
that as (naming the ward or assessment district for which he is
appointed assessor or as a member of a Board of Control and
Review, naming the county or district, or as a clerk to the
Board of Control and Review for (naming the county or dis-
trict), I will, to the best of my skill and judgment, execute the
duties of said office, diligently and faithfully, according to the
directions of this act, under which I am appointed, providing
for the general valuation and assessment of property in this
State, without favor, affection or partiality; '' which said oath
or affirmation, properly attested by a justice of the peace or
other competent person before whom the same shall have been
taken, shall be filed by the person taking the same, within ten
days after his appointment, in the office of the County Com-
missioners of that county in which, or in any part of which his
said duties are to be performed, and in the office of the Appeal
Tax Court of Baltimore city, if his duties are to be performed
in said city or in any part thereof.
Failure of
assessor to
170. It shall be the duty of the said County Commission-
ers, acting as Boards of Control and Review in the several
counties, and the Boards of Control and Review in Baltimore
city, to notify the Governor of any failure on the part of any
person appointed assessor by him under the provisions of this