In case mort-
gagor pays
146 P. Any mortgagor paying the tax hereby required to
be paid by the mortgagee, shall at any time upon satisfactory
proof of the same in any Court of Equity of this State, be
entitled to have the amount so paid, with interest at the rate
of six per centum per annum deducted from the mortgage
164. To facilitate and expedite the assessment of property
in this State, under this act, the several counties of this State,
and the city of Baltimore, are divided into the following
assessment districts :
Allegany county shall be divided into three assessment dis-
tricts; the first district shall be composed of the first, second,
third, fourth, sixteenth, twenty-first, twenty-second, and twenty-
third election districts; the second shall be composed of the
fifth, sixth, seventh, thirteenth, seventeenth, twentieth, twenty-
fourth and fourteenth election districts; and the third shall be
composed of the eighth, ninth, twenty-fifth, tenth, eleventh,
twelfth, fifteenth, eighteenth and nineteenth election districts
of said county.
Anne Arundel county shall be divided into three assessment
districts; the first shall be the territory within the corporate
limits of Annapolis; the second shall be composed of the 1st,
2d and 8th election districts as now laid out, and the third
shall be composed of the 3d, 4th and 5th election districts as
now laid out.
Baltimore city shall be divided into twenty-two assessment
districts, upon the basis of the division of the said city into
wards. Each of the said twenty-two wards of Baltimore city
as now laid out shall, severally, constitute a separate assessment
district, which said assessment district shall, severally, bear and
have the same numerical designation as the ward of which it
is such respective assessment district.
Baltimore county shall be divided into five assessment dis-
tricts; the first shall be composed of the first and thirteenth
election districts; the second shall be composed of the second,
third and fourth election districts; the third shall be composed
of the fifth, sixth, seventh and tenth election districts; the
fourth shall be composed of the eighth and ninth election dis-