SECTION 1. Be it enacted ly the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Comptroller of the State, be and he is hereby
authorized and directed to issue his warrant upon the Treasurer
of the State, for ($193.27) one hundred and ninety-three
dollars and twenty-seven cents, in favor of James T. PerkinB,
late Treasurer of Prince George's county and collector of State
and county taxes, the same being an over-payment into the
State Treasury of Maryland, under the provisions oi; section
33 of article 3 of the Constitution.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That this act shall take effect from the date of its
Approved February 25, 1896.
AN ACT to appropriate the sum of fifteen hundred and sixty-
two dollars and one cent out of the public school funds to
re-imburse Garrett County for an instalment of the State
school tax, withheld from said county in the year eighteen
hundred and ninety-five, and also to authorize and direct
the Comptroller to apportion to said county the instalment
known as the March instalment of the State school tax for
the year eighteen hundred and ninety-six, said instalment
being the apportionment made to said Garrett County on
the fifteenth day of March in each year.
WHEREAS, An instalment of State school tax, amounting
to the sum of fifteen hundred and sixty-two dollars and one
cent, was withheld from Garrett county in the year eighteen
hundred and ninety-five, and said county, not having been
able to keep open its schools seven and one-half months in the
year, as required by the school laws of the State, is by said
law required to forfeit the March instalment of said school
tax for the year eighteen hundred and ninety-five; the said
inability of said county has arisen from the fact that said
county has been subject to large expenses in the erection oi
county buildings and new school houses, and the fact that the
small population is scattered over a large extent of territory,
creating a large number of school houses for the number oi
pupils required to be taught therein; therefore,