CHAP, 91.
their respective accounts, which charge shall be allowed by
the levy courts of the several counties, and by the treasurer
of the western shore, to the inspectors of the state ware houses
in the city of Baltimore,
District of Colum-
bia provided for.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act contain-
ed, shall prevent the several inspectors of tobacco in this state,
from receiving all tobacco raised, cured and packed in all that
part of the distiict of Columbia, lying north and east of the
Potomac river, nor any citizen of this state from carrying his
or her tobacco to the District of Columbia for inspection.
Date of inspection
upon manifests.
SEC 7. And be it enacted, That from and after the passage
of this act, it shall be the duty of the several inspectors of to
bacco in this state, to enter upon all manifests of tobacco in-
spected in their respective ware houses, the day and year in
which said tobacco was inspected.
Growth of Mary-
land onds.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That from and after the passage
of this act, it shall be the further duty of said inspectors to
enter upon each and every note, and manifest the number,
gross and nett weight, together with tht words ''growth of
Maryland" on all tobacco raised, cured and packed in said
Passed Feb'ry. 23,
A further supplement to the act, entitled, An act to Incorporate
a Company to make the several Turnpike Roads therein men-
tioned, passed at December session eighteen hundred and fif-
teen, chapter one hundred and ninety.
Additional privil-
ege to tak stock
SECTION 1, Be it enacted by the General Assembly o? Mary-
land, That the president, managers and company, of the Bal-
timore and Rock Run turnpike road, in addition to the pow-
ers vested in the said company, by the act to which this is a
further supplement, and the several supplements thereto, shall
be, and they are hereby authorised, at such time or times, in
such manner, and on such terms of payment, as the president
and managers of the said company, or a majority of them
shall deem proper, to receive subscriptions from the United
States, or from any state, person or corporation, for an in-
crease of the capital stock of the said company, in shares of
the same amounts, and with the same rights to the said share
owners, as is authorised in and by the said original act; Pro-
vided, that the whole amount of the said capital stock, whea
so increased, shall not at any time exceed three hundred thou-
sand dollars.
Power to make
SEC, 2. And be it enacted, That the president and mana-
gers of the said company, or a majority of them, shall have
full power to make, alter and repeal, all such by-laws, rules,
regulations and ordinances, as shall be necessary to the full
and effectual exercise of all the powers and performance of
all the duties granted, authorised and required by the said
original act, and this, and all other supplements thereto; and