CHAP. 84.
Their proceeding-
whose proceedings shall be as follows: they shall first file
with the clerk of Baltimore county court, a bond with such
penalty and securities, as am one of the judges of said court
shall approve, and shall as soon as may be thereafter, gave
clue notice of the time, place and terms of sale, which said
terms shall be, for one third cash, and for the remaining two
thirds in six and twelve months, with interest from the day
of sale.
Report— Compen-
SEC. 2. And be it acted. That after making said sale, the said
trustees shall make report thereof to Baltimore county court,
by whom such proceedings shall be had, and such allowances
be made to the trustees, as are usual for the execution of trusts
arising under their Chancery jurisdiction.
Empowered to
SEC, 3. And be it enacted, That upon receipt of the whole
purchase money from the purchaser, the said trustees are
hereby authorised und directed to convey to the purchaser,
all the real estate of the late Thomas Gorsuch, by them sold
under the provisions of this act.
Passed February 19
A farther supplement to the act for the recovery of small debts
cut of court, ancfto repeal the acts of Assembly therein men-
County courts em-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the judges of the several county courts within this state, shall
and may hold plea in said courts, of any debt or damage what-
soever: Provided, it shall appear upon the record that the
debt or damage really existing at the time of the comrnence-
ment of the action, exceeded fifty dollars: And provided also
That the provisions of this act shall be construed to extend
only to cases of debt or damage existing in or growing out of
Passed Feb'ry 21
An act to incorporate the Wetminster Savings Institution.
Corporate powers
SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Jacob Mathias, Jacob Grove, Michael Barnitz,
David Uhler., James Fisher, Peter Rover. William Grumbine,
Isaac Shriver, William Willis, Jacob Reese, Jacob Fisher,
Henry Maurer, N, H. Brown, Jacob Funger, John Miller,
Jacob Gracnmer, George Shriver, William Lloyd, John
Krouse, William Bergoon, Jame Kreler, and all and every
other person or persons hereafter becoming members of
the Westminster Savings Institution, in the manner hereaf-
ter mentioned, shall be and are hereby created and made a
corporation and body politic by the name of and style of the
Westminster Savings Institution, and by that name shall have