SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That each of the said commis-
sioners shall be entitled to receive two dollars per day, for
every day he shall necessarily attend to the duties of his
CHAP. 81.
Compensation to
SEC, 11. And be it enacted, That so much of any acts of
Assembly, as may be eontrarv to, or inconsistent with the
provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed
Acts inconsistent
with this repealed.
Sec. 12, And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall and may at any time during each and every year, make
complete and close their levy, any law to the contrary not-
Levy at anytime
of year,
withstanding. And that all suits at law or in equity which
may be pending at the passage of this act, by or against the
justices of the levy court of said county, shall be carried on
in like manner, and have the same legal effect, either in favor
of or against the commissioners provided for by this act, as if
such suit or suits had been instituted by or against the said
Suits unaffected
An act to open and lay out certain streets, lanes and alleys in
Westminster, Frederick County.
Passed February 16
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mart/'
land, That all person or persons entitled to vote for deletes
to the General Assembly of this state, and residents in the
town of Westrninster, in Frederick county, Maryland, shall
meet at such time and place, as the judges hereinafter ap-
pointed may determine on, in said town, on the first Monday
of May next, and proceed to ballot for three commissioners,
for the said town, polls to be kept open for that purpose,
from twelve to three o'clock of said day; and the three per-
sons having the greatest number of voces, shall be, and they
are hereby appointed Street Commissioners for the town of
Westminster, in Frederick county, to hold their office for two
years, or until the next election, which shall take place on the
first Monday of May in every second year thereafter.
Street commission-
ers to be elected
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the three judges appoint-
ed in the Westminster or seventh election district, for the
holding of the election of delegates to the General Assembly
of this state, be, and they are hereby appointed judges of said
election, and shall be privileged to appoint a clerk to keep a
regular record of their proceedings, and that said judges
and clerk shall be entitled to receive for their services, the
sum of one dollar each, to be paid as hereinafter provided
Judges of election
— their compensa-
SEC. S, And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
before they shall act as such, shall take an oath before a jus-
tice of the peace of said county, faithfully to discharge all the
duties prescribed therein by this law, without favor, affection
Oath of office.
or partiality, and having thus qualified, they shall proceed to
lay out and open such streets, lanes, or alleys as they may
think necessary to promote the convenience of the inhabitants
Lay out and open