CHAP. 77
commissioners of the tax of the transfer of any property be-
longing to any deceased person, ward, or estate in trust, of
which he or she may be executor, administrator, guardian or
trustee, the said executor, administrator, guardian or trustee,
shall be liable for the tax on the same, until the commission-
ers of the tax shall be properly notified of such transfer.
Passed February 25
An act for the relief of Thomas D. Singleton.-
Insolvent law ex-
tended to
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the said Thomas D. Singleton be, and he is hereby authoris-
ed and enabled to avail himself of all the benefits and privi-
leges of the insolvent laws of Maryland, in the same manner
as tho' he were a citizen of the state of Maryland, and that the
court, or judge, as the case may be, to whom any application
may be prefered for the benefits of the insolvent laws of this
state by the said Thomas D, Singleton, be, and they are 'here-
by authorised and required to admit the said Thomas D. Sin-
gleton to all those benefits, without requiring at his hands any
proof of citizenship or previous residence within the state of
Maryland, or without requiring of him any other proofs, acts
and performance than those which are necessary on the part
of a citizen of the state of Maryland, in order to the obtaining
the benefit of the insolvent laws of this state : Provided, the
said Thomas D. Singleton shall satisfy the judge or court, to
whom he may make application for the benefit of the said in-
solvent laws, that he did not remove to, or come into this
state, with the intent to apply for the benefit of said insolvent
Passed February 23
An act/ to change the place of holding elections for vestry-men
and church-gardens, and the regular meetings of the vestry
of Somerset parish in Somerset comity,
Time and place of
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mart/-
land, That from and after the passage of this act, it shall and
unay be lawful for the parishioners of Somerset parish in
Somerset county to meet at their church in the town of Prin-
cess Aim, on Easter Monday, or at other times a!lowec by
lav/, for the purpose of electing vestry-men of said parish, or
of filling any vacancy which may happen in the vestry, or for
any other purpose.
Place of meeting
under act of 1798.
SEC. £, And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful
for the vestry of said parish to hold the meetings which they
are directed to hold by the act of seventeen hundred and
ninety-eight, chapter twenty-four and section seven, at the
said church in Princess Ann.