CHAP, 75,
first meeting of said corporation, by advertisement, printed
in any newspaper published in the city of Baltimore, or
otherwise, as they may see proper.
Term of office
SEC 4. And be it enacted, That the present officers of the
said association, shall continue to exercise their several
offices, until an election of officers shall have taken place,
agreeable to the provisions of said act, Provided, nevertheless ,
that the Legislature may alter or repeal this act, whenever it
shall be deemed expedient.
Passed Feb'ry 29,
A supplement to an act, entitled, an act for draining the right-
prong of a branch in Queen Ann's county, known by the
name of the Andover Branch.
Authority to cut
and drain
SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the directors named in the original act to which
this is a supplement, or a majority of them, shall have full
power and authority at any time hereafter, to cut, open, and
complete said ditch or drain mentioned in the original act,
and also from time to time, repair, cleanse, and keep open and
|n good order the said ditch or drain so to be opened and cut by
virtue of the original act, and this act, at the expense of the
said proprietors, in the same proportion that the expenses of
cutting and opening the said ditch or drain, are to be paid in
the act to which this is a supplement, and tor the purposes of
cutting and opening the said ditch or drain in the first instance,
and of repairing and cleansing when cut and opened, the said
Assessment and
payment of expen-
directors, or a majority of them, are hereby authorised to ap-
portion what they may conceive the expense thereof will a-
mount to, and to demand and receive such proportions respec-
tively form the said proprietors, before or at any time after the
commencement of said work: Provided always, that that inas-
much as it may be inconvenient for some of the proprietors
through whose land said ditch or drain may pass, to satisfy
and answer all the expenses of cutting and opening said ditch
or drain at one time, the said directors or a majority of them,
may make an estimate of the expenses of cutting the said
ditch or drain through that part of the branch in which the
said ditch or drain shall pass, and apportion the same as above
directed that the said directors shall allow such proprietor or
proprietors to pay their respective portions of said expenses,
cost and charges, in three equal p ay ments, with interest from
the time of ascertaining and apportioning thereof until paid,
one third part with interest in two months, one third part with
with interest in four months, and the remaining one third
with interest in six months, from the time of apportioning the
Coerce payment
SEC, 2, And be it enacte, That in case the said proprietor
or proprietors, or others who shall be benefited by the said
work, or any or either of them shall neglect or fail to make