CHAP 72.
served to the citizens of Pennsylvania, or to any compaay in-
corporated under the authority of that state, to connect with
the rail road hereby provided for, any other rail road leading
from the main route in that state, to any part or parts of that
state; Provided, that in forming such connection, no injury
shall be done to the works of the company hereby incorpo-
Passed Feb'ry 19,
A supplement to an act, entitled an act, for the benefit of Alfred-
H. Dashiell, and others of the city of Baltimore passed at
December Session, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, chapter
one hundred an d sixty three.
Proceeds to be in-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land That the proceeds arising from the sale of the property .
authorised to be sold under the provisions of the act, to
which this is a supplement, shall be invested by the trustee
appointed to make such sale, or by his successor, under the
direction of the Chancellor, and in such stock or other secu-
Dividends to be
rity or securities as the Chancellor may authorise.
SEC. 2, And be it enacted, That the dividends or interest
which may accrue upon said investment; shall be paid under
the direction of said court of Chancery, to Nicholas G*
Ridgely, in the said act mentioned, or his representatives,
during the life of Alfred H. Dashiell, also in said act named,
and a her the death of said Alfred H Dashiell, shall be paid
to Ann Dashiell his wife, in case she survives him, or her
assigns, during her life time, and from and after the deaths
of said Alfred and Ann, the whole amount of said invest-
ment shall belong to, and be the property of the issue of said
Alfred and Aon, in the same extent, and be held by them in
the same way, as under the deed of indenture in said original
act mentioned, they would have been entitled to hold the
property in said deed contained, after the deaths of the said
Alfred and Ann, in case said property had not been sold.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That so much of the original
act as is inconsistent with the provisions of this act, be and
the same is hereby repealed.
Passed Feb'ry 31,
An act for the relief of Aquila Beall, Clerk of Pr nice George's
Time extended
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Aquila Beall, clerk of Prince George's county, be, and he is
hereby authorised to make out his account of fees, which are
now due and chargeable, or which may be due and chargeable
on the first day of March next, and are collectable in the