An act to incorporate the Lanvale Manufacturing Company.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land. That John Hart, Hugh Williams Evans and Joseph
Todhunter, their associates, successors and assigns be, and
they are hereby incorporated and crea red a corporation and
body politic, by the name, style and title of Lanvale Manu-
facturing Company, and by that name may have perpetual
succession, and shall be capable in law to sue and he sued,
and to implead and answer in any court of law or equity, to
make and use a common seal, and the same to alter at plea-
sure, and to do and perform all such other acts in relation to
the objects and purposes of their incorporation herein after
declared, and necessary for the exercise of the rights and
powers granted to the said corporation by this act, which any
other corporate body may lawfully do: Provided, That the
same shall not be repugnant to any law of this state, or of the
United States.
CHAP. 66
Passed February 2 ,
SEC. 2, And be it enacted, That the objects and purpose of
the corporation are declared to be the manufacturing and
vending of cotton goods, and the carrying on any other ma-
nufacture necessary to or connected therewith, and none
other; and for those objects, and purposes, the said corpora-
tion is hereby authorised ancl empowered to purchase and
hold one or more factories, and lands not exceeding five hun-
dred acres, in fee simple, or for any other estate, and to erect
buildings and other improvements on such lands as may be
deemed convenient, and to procure by purchase or other law-
fl means, all kinds of necessary materials, goods and chat/
tels und the same to use, lease, sell or otherwise dispose of
as fully and freely as any individual may lawfully do.
Purposes, and ex-
SEC, 3. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of the
said corporation shall not exceed three hundred thousand
dollars, and shall be divided into shares of one hundred dol-
lars each, and every person becoming the proprietor of one or
more shares of the said stock shall in virtue thereof be a
member of the said corporation; and the said capital stock may
in whole or in part, consist of or be vested in larris, build-
ings, machinery, tools or materials necessary or useful for
carrying on the manufactory aforesaid.
Capital— member-
SEC. 4 And be it enacted, That the said John Hart Hugh
W. Evans and Joseph Todhuhter, or any two of them, be
and are hereby appointed commissioners to receive subscrip-
tions and payments for shares in the said capital stock of this
incor poration; and when, in their opinion, a sufficient amount
of the said capital stock shall have been subscribed, to enible
the said Lanvale Manufacturing Company to commence
operations, they shall convene a general meeting of the stock-
holders, and the powers, rights and privileges granted tc and
vested in the said Lanvale Manufacturing Company by this
act, may, and then shall be exercised by a majority of the
Books of subscrip-