A supplement to an act, entitled an act to incorporate a Society
for the maintainance and education of pooj Female Children,
by the name of the Benevolent Society of the Citi/ and County
of Baltimore, passed at November Session, one thousand se-
yen hundred and ninety -nine, Chapter forty- four.
CHAP, 59.
Passed January 21,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the benevolent society of the city and county of Baltimore
shall he, and they are hereby authorised and empowered to
take hold and enjoy for the purposes of said charity, pro-
perty, real, personal and mixed; the actual clear income from
which, (exclusive of the property used and occupied for the
residence and tuition of said children,) shall not exceed annu-
ally, the sum of five thousand dollars, any thing in the origi-
nal law to the contrary notwithstanding.
May hold prop-
A supplement to the act, entitled an act, to change the names of
the bank of Westminster and Office of Payment and Receipt,
to the Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Frederick County,
and to locate said Bank at Frederick City, with a Branch at
Passed January 21
WHEREAS, at the time of the passage of the act to which
this is a supplement, there were depending, in Frederick coun-
ty court, suits in the name of the bank of Westminster, against
sundry persons, and doubts have arisen, whether under the
provisions of the said act, the Farmers and Mechanics' bank
of Frederick county is authorised to prosecute said suits to
SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland
That nothing in said act contained, shall be construed to abate
or otherwise affect any suit or suits, action or actions, brought
or instituted in the name of the bank of Westminster, before
the passage of the said act, but that it shall and may be law-
ful for the said Farmers and Mechanics' bank of Frederick
county, in the name of the bank oi Westminster, to prosecute
the same to final judgment, in like manner as if said act had
not been passed.
Authority to pro-
An act further to amend the act, incorporating' the Chesapeake
and Ohio Canal Company.
Passed January 2,
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly, That
it may tend greatly to the promotion of the object of the ori-
ginal act, incorporating the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Com-