in one of the newspapers printed in the city of Frederick, for
proposals for the printing and stitching the usual number of
copies of the laws, passed at the present session of the legis-
lature, embracing an index and marginal notes, and within
fifteen days from the passage of this resolution, he shall con-
tract for said printing on the lowest and best terms: Provided,
That the contractors shall enter into bond and security to de-
liver the said laws at the city of Annapolis within thirty days
from the date of the contract.
No. 63.
A resolution providing for the payment of Fielding Lucas, Junior,
of the city of Baltimore for books furnished fur me State Library
Passed March 141
Resolved, That the Governor be, and he is hereby authoris-
ed to draw an order on the treasurer, for the Western Shore,
in favor of Fielding Lucas, junior, of the city of Baltimore,
for such sum, not exceeding two hundred dollars, as the com-
mittee on the state library, or a majority of them, shall certify
to be due to the said Fielding Lucas, for books furnished for
the said library.
No, 64.
Resolutions approbatory of the gallant Conduct in the late war, of
Joseph Cross, an officer of the Unittd States' Navy.
Passed March 14
Resolved unanimously , That the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, entertain a high sense of the gallantry of Joseph Cross,
a native of this state, a lieutenant in the navy of the United
States, and who participated in three brilliant and well fought
actions during the late war, all of which terminated in glori-
ous victory, viz: the action between the Constitution and
Guerrier; the action between the Constitution and Javaj and
the action between the Constitution" and Cyanne and Levant,
and is now an officer of high distinction, on board the frigate
Resolved unanimously, That the Governor be, and he is
hereby authorised and required, to procure and present to
lieutenant Joseph Cross, a sword, in testimony of the high
sense of approbation the legislature 'entertain of his gallant
conduct in the late war; and the Governor is hereby authoris-
ed to draw upon the treasurer of the Western Shore for such
sum as he may deem necessary, to carry into effect this reso-
word of honor