No, 41.
A resolution in fervor of the heirs of Captain James Somervell deceased,
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and
he is hereby authorised and required to pay to James Somer-
vell, of Prince George's county, son and one of the heirs of
Cuptam James Somervell, an officer of the Maryland line
daring the revolutionary war, or to his order, such sum as
may appear to be due to him on the pension list of the state
of Maryland at the time of his decease.
Passed March 12
Treasurer to pay
No, 42,
A resolution in favor of Benjamin Burch of the state of Kentucky.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Benjamin Burch, of the state of Kentucky, or to his order,
during life, in half yearly payments, a sum of money equal to
the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for his
services during the revolutionary war.
Passed March 12
Half pay of private
No. 43,
A resolution in favor of Lillias M. Jones, the representative of Samutt
Jones, an officer in the Maryland line during the revolutionary war,
authorising the grant to her of two hundred acres of vacant land
lying to the westward of Fort Cumberland, in Allegany county.
Passed March
Resolved, That the register of the land office for the Western
Shore be, and he is hereby authorised and required to issue
to Lillias M. Jones, of Charles county, daughter of Captain
Samuel Jones, an officer of the Maryland line during the re-
volutionary war, a common warrant for two hundred acres of
vacant land, lying to the westward of Fort Cumberland, in
Allegany county, and to issue a patent for the said quantity of
acres of land, upon a certificate of the survey thereof duly re-
turned, without receiving payment, or proof of payment, of
any composition money therefor.
Warrant for 200
acres granted
No. 44,
A resolution in favor of Julian Ott, cf Washington county
Passed March 14
Resoled, That the treasuser of the Western Shore pay to
Julian Ott, of Washington county, or to her order, daring
life, ia half yearly payments, a sum of money equal to the half
pay of a lieutenant, as a further remuneration for her husband,
Adam Ott's service during the revolutionary war.
Half pay of