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Session Laws, 1827 Session
Volume 474, Page 258   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 109


Passed March 13

An act for the protection of sheep in the several counties of this
state , and for other purposes.


WHEREAS, it is represented to this General A ssembly, that
the inhabitants of the several counties in this state, sustain
immense loss in the destruction of their sheep by dogs; and
whereas it is right and proper that every encouragement should
be extended to the owners of this valuable animal for their
preservation— Therefore,

Authority to kill

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That if after the passage of this act, any dog or dogs
shall be detected in killing or injuring sheep, and the same
shall be proved by oath or affirmation, before a justice of the
peace, that upon complaint to the owner or owners of said dog
or dogs, he shall proceed forthwith to kill said dog, and on re-
fusal to do so, he shall be, liable to pay to the owner of said
sheep, doable the value of the same, to be recovered before
any jusice of the peace of the state of Maryland, with costs,
in the manner now prescribed for the recovery of small debts
cut of court.

Sheep exempt
from taxation

SEC 2. And be it enacted. That all sheep belonging to the ci-
tizens of this state, be free from taxation for the term of five
years from and after the passage of this act.



Passed March 15,

An act to incorporate the Port Deposit and Chesapeake Turn-
pike Road Company.

Commissioners to

open books for sub-

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land. That George Gale, Elisha Reynolds, Thomas L. Savin,
George A. Thomas and Enoch Cloud, are hereby appointed
commissioners, and any two or more of them, are authorised
at such times and places, and after such notice as they shall
deem sufficient, to open books and receive subscriptions for
stock in the Port Deposit and Chesapeake Turnpike Road
Company, in shares of twenty five dollars, on each of which
shares one dollar shall be paid to the said commissioners at
the time of subscribing, and the said commissioners may con-
tinue the said books open from day to day for ten days, or un-
til four hundred shares of the said stock shall be subscribed,
and as soon as one hundred and fifty shares or snore of the
said stock shall be subscribed, the said commissioners or a
majority of them shall appoint a day, and give ten days notice
thereof by advertisement in one or more newspapers, for the
subscribers for said stock to meet at Port Deposit, and elect

Elect 5 managers

by a plurality of votes of those who shall attend in person or
by proxy, five managers from among the said stockholders to
conduct and manage the business of said stockholders, as a
company until the next election; and at such election the said


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Session Laws, 1827 Session
Volume 474, Page 258   View pdf image (33K)
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