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Session Laws, 1827 Session
Volume 474, Page 257   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 198

An additional supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the
benefit of the University of Maryland, passed at December
session, eighteen hundred and sixteen chapter seventy eight.

Passed March 10


WHEREAS, a lottery grant has, been ceded to the University
of Maryland, a part of which remains unexhausted; and
whereas the actual effect of the saki grant operates to impede
the state lotteries, and to impair the public revenue — There-


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the treasurer of Western Shore, be, and he hereby
is authorised and directed to pay, annually, to the order of the
Trustees of the University of Maryland, all the unappropri-
ated avails of the state Lotteries: Provided., That the said trus-
tees shall assent to this bill, and relinquish their right to any
lottery or lotteries under any authority heretofore granted,
which assent and relinquish ment shall be filed with the trea-
surer of the Western Shore, on or before the first day of May

Treasurer to pay
over unappropria-
ted avails of lotte-


next: And provided also , That the said payment shall not ex-
ceed in any one year the sum of five thousand dollars, nor in
the whole the sum of forty thousand nine hundred and ninety
four dollars, and six cents, the same being the amount of the
unexhausted privilege heretofore cycled to the said University.

Amount limited

SEC. 2. And be it, enacted, That if the system of state lotte-
ries should be abandoned or suspended before the completion
of the said payment, then and in that case the trustees of the
said University shall be authorised to proceed in raising by
lottery or lotteries, the balance which may. remain due and; un-
exhausted as if this act had not passed.

In case state lotto-
ry system aban-

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the trustees of the said
University be, and they are hereby authorised and required to
examine the accounts of the Professors of the Faculty of Physic,
for the purpose of ascertaining whether the amount of money
disbursed by the said professors on account of the said Uni-
versity, exceeds the amount -received by them, from grants
made by this state to the use thereof, and if the said trustees
shall find the account of such excess to be greater than the
sum which they were heretofore authorised to pay to the said

Certain accounts
to be ascertained

professors, on account of the Infirmary buildings, then and in
that case the said trustees are hereby further authorised; and
required to pay to the said professors the amount of such ex-
cess out of any unappropriated money that shall come to their
hands, whenever a good and sufficient title to the University
and Infirmary buildings shall be made and delivered to the


said trustees: Provided, That the said amount; shall not exceed
the amount of the debt now due from, and owing by the said
professors to the president and directors of the Bank of Balti-
more, on account of the said University and Infirmary build-
ings, with interest thereon from the date of this act


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Session Laws, 1827 Session
Volume 474, Page 257   View pdf image (33K)
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