the same; for every cart or wagon whose wheels do not ex-
ceed the breadth of four inches, one eighth of a dollar, for
each horse drawing the same; for every cart or wagon whose
wheels shall exceed in breadth four inches, and not exceed-
ing seven inches, one sixteenth of a dollar, for every horse
drawing the same; for every cart or wagon, the breadth of
whose wheels shall be more than seven inches and not more
than ten inches, or being of the breadth of seven inches shall
roll more than ten inches, five cents for every horse drawing
the same, for every cart or wagon the breadth of whose wheels
shall be more than ten inches, and not exceeding twelve inches,
or being ten inches, shall roll more than fifteen inches, three
cents for every horse drawing the same; for every cart or wa-
gon the breadth of whose wheels shall be more than twelve
CHAP. 186
inches, two cents for every horse drawing the same.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That all such carriages afore-
said, to be drawn by oxen in the whole, or partly by horses
and partly by oxen, two oxen shall be estimated as equal to
one horse in charging all the aforesaid tolls, and every mule as
equal to one horse.
Two oxen rated as
one horse.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That if the said company, after
the said road is completed as aforesaid, shall neglect to keep
the said road in good ami perfect order for the space of fifteen
days, and information shall be given to any justice of the
peace, of the neighborhood, within the county where the re-
pair ought to be made, such justice shall issue a precept, to be
directed to any constable, commanding him to summon three
disinterested persons, to be named by the said justice in the
said precept, to meet at a certain time in the said precept to
be mentioned, at the place in the said road which shall be
complained of, of which meeting notice shall be given to the
keepers of the gate nearest thereto, and the said justice shall
at such time and place, on the oaths, or affirmations of the
said persons, inquire whether the said roads, or any part there-
of is in such good and perfect order and repair as aforesaid,
and shall cause an inquisition to be made and certified, under
the hands of himself and a majority of the said persons, and
if the road shall be found by the said inquisition to be out of
order and repair, contrary to the true intent and meaning oi
this act, the said justice shall certify, and send one copy of
the said inquisition to each of the keepers of the turnpike gates
between which such defective place shall be and from thence-
forth the tolls hereby granted to be collected at such turnpike
gates shall cease to be demanded, paid or collected, until the
said defective part or parts shall be put in good and perfect
order and repair as aforesaid; and if the same shall not be put
in good and perfect order and repair before the next county
court of said county, the aforesaid justice shall certify and
send a copy of the inquisition aforesaid to the judges of the
eounty court, who shall thereupon cause to bs brought before
them, the body or bodies of the person or persons intrusted
by the cooapawy with the care and superintendence cf such
part of ths said road as shall be found defectivd and if the
Procedings in case
road is not kept in
good order -penal-