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shall be bedded with wood, stone or gravel or any other hard
substance, tvell compacted together, a sufficient depth to se-
cure a solid foundation to the same, and the said road shall
be faced with gravel, or stone pounded, in such manner as to
secure a firm, and as near as the materials will reasonably ad-
mit, an even surface, and so nearly level in its progress as that
it shall in no place rise or fall more than will form an angle of
four degrees with an horizontal line, and shall forever hereaf-
ter, during the continuance of the said incorporation, main-
tain and keep the same in goed and perfect order and repair.
Governor author-
ised to grant li-
cense to ercct toll
gates as the road
a completed.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That as soon as the said president,
managers and company, shall have perfected the said road
for any distance from either end ol the said road, not less than
five miles, and so on from time to time any other like distance
progressively, they shall give notice thereof to the Governor
of this state, who shall thereupon forthwith nominate and ap-
point three skilful and judicious persons to view and examine
the same, and report to him in writing, whether the said road
is so far executed in a masterly workmanlike manner, accord-
ing to the true intent and meaning of this act, and if their
reports shall be in the affirmative, then the Governor shall,
By license under his hand and seal of the state, permit and
suffer the said president, managers and company, to erect and
fix such and so many gates upon and across the said road, as
will ba necessary and sufficient to collect the tolls and duties
hereinafter granted to the said companv, from all persons tra-
velling on the same with horses> cattle, wagons, tarts and car-
Rate of tolls
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the said company having:
perfected the said road or such parts thereof, from time to
time as aforesaid, and the same being examined, approved
and licensed in manner aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful
for them to appoint such, and so many toll gatherers as they
shall think proper, to collect and receive, of and from all and
every person or persons using the said road, the tolls and rates
hereinafter mentioned, and to stop any person riding, leading
or driving any horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, sulkey, chair, chase,
phaeton, coach, coaches, cart, wagon, wain, sled or other car-
riage of pleasure or burthen, from passing through the said
gate, until they shall have paid the same,- that is to say, for
every space of ten miles in length of the said road, the follow-
ing sum of money, and so in proportion for any greater or
less distance, that such person or persons shall use said road
for any greater or lesser number of sheep, hogs or cattle, viz;
for every score of sheep one eighth of a dollar, for every score
of hogs one eighth of a dollar, for every score of cattle one
fourth of a dollar, for every horse and his rider, or led horse,
one sixteenth of a dollar, for every chair or chaise, with one
horse and two wheels, one eighth of a dollar, for every char-
riot, coach, stage, wagon, phaeton or chaise, with two horses
and four wheels, one fourth of a dollar, for every other car-
riage of pleasure under whatsoever name it may go, the like
sum, according to the number of wheels and horses drawing