CHAP 186
To secure pay-
ment of instal-
the travelling on, or using any part of any such turnpike or
county or rail road, or any private road which any person or
persons is or may be entitled to travel on or use;
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That after thirty days public no-
lice in the public papers aforesaid, of the time and place ap-
pointed for the payment of any instalment of the said capital
stock of the said company, if any stockholder shall neglect to
pay such instalment at the place appointed, for the space of
thirty days after the time so appointed, every such stockholder,
his, her or their assigner, may be required, in addition to the
pavment so called for, to pay at the rate of one per cent, per
month for delay of such payment; and if the same, and the
said additional penalty, shall remain unpaid for such space of
time as that the accumulated penalties shall become equal to
the sums before paid in part on such account of such share
or shares, the same snail be forfeited to the said company ,and
may be sold and assigned by the president and managers of
said company, to any person willing to purchase the same, for
such price as can be obtained for the same; and the purchaser
or purchasers aforesaid, shall have all the benefit and advan-
tage of such assignment and purchase, as if he, she or they
had been an original stockholder; or the managers may, at
their option, enforce payment of any instalment, by warrant
or action, as the case may require.
Use of and pay-
ments for land for
roads, &c.
Sec, 10. And be it enacted, That the president, managers
and company may agree with the owner or owners of the land
through which the said road may pass, for the purchase of
the same, if the owner shall require any compensation there-
for, and in case of disagreement, or in case the owner shall
be a feme covert or non compos, or underage, or out of the state,
the compensation to the owner or owners aforesaid, for the
land aforesaid, shall be ascertained and paid in the manner
hereinafter provided for ascertaining and paying the value of
materials for making said road; and the trustees for the poor
of Baltimore city and county, are hereby authorised and em-
powered in their discretion, and on such terms and conditions
as they shall think reasonable, to assent that the said turn-
pike road may pass over or through any part of the lands
vested in them, for the use of the alms house and poor in
For materials.
said county.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That in all cases where stone,
gravel, earth or sand, not already quried or dry for the use
of the owner, or for sale, shall be necessary for making or re-
pairing of the said turnpike road, the president and managers
ot the said company, or a majority of them, or any person au-
thorised by them, may agree with the owner or owners cf
said materials, tor the purchase of the same, or with the said
owner or owners of the land on which the same may be for the
purchase of said land; and in case of disagreement, or in case
the owner should be a feme covert or non compos, or under
age, or out of the state or country, the president of the com-
pany or any person authorised by him for that purpose, shall
apply to a justice of the peace for the county wherein the said