in May in each succeeding year, for the purpose of choosing
seven managers as aforesaid, for the ensuing year in manner
aforesaid, and at such other times as they shall be summoned,
CHAP, 186
in such manner and form as shall be prescribed by the by-
laws of the said corporation, at which annual or special meetings
they shall have full power and authority to make, alfer or
repeal, by a majority of votes, in manner aforesaid, all or
any of the by-laws, rules, orders and regulations made as
hereinafter provided, and to do and perform any other cor-
porate act herein authorised; and the managers of the said
By laws
company, or a majority of them, shall have power to appoint
judges of all elections, and to elect a president of said com-
pany from among the directors or stockholders, and to allow
him a compensation for his services if they shall deem it pro-
per; and it any vacancy shall occur by death, resignation, re-
fusal to act, or removal from Baltimore county, of any presi-
dent or manager, a stockholder may be elected by the mana-
gers to fill such vacancy until the next annual election; and
all elections which are by this act, or shall by the bv-laws of
the company, be required to be made on n particular clay, or
at a particular time, if not made on such day or at such time,
may be made at such time within thirts days after the time
limited, and after such notice as the by-laws or a majority of
the managers shall provide.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted That any four of the managers,
including or without the president, shall constitute a board
and quorum for the transaction of all kinds of business, and
shall be competent to appoint all such officers, agents and
servants whatsoever, as they may deem necessary for the
transaction of the business of the company, fix their compen-
sation., and dismiss them at pleasure; to provide for requiring
and taking security for the faithful performance of the duty of
any officer of the company; for making all contracts which
shall be necessary to effect the purposes contemplated by
this act, and for settling all the accounts of the company; to
provide for furnishing to stockholders certificates, or other
evidence of their right to stock, and for the transfer of stock,
and the evidence of such transfer; and to pass all such by-
laws as shall be proper ur necessary for exercising all the
powers, rights and privileges vested in the company hereby
incorporated, or in the said managers, or for the performance
of the duties required of them by this act, and the said by-
laws from time to time to alter and repeal; subject, neverthe-
less, to the revision of the stockholders at a general meeting,
Board of managers
—powers— by laws
— transfers, &c
as is herein before provided,
SEC. 8. And be it enacted. That the said company are here-
by invested with all the rights and powers necessary to the
construction of a turnpike road within the bounds described
in the first section of this act, over and along such route as
Powers to con-
truct road
they may find best suited for that purpose: Provided, that
in laying out and constructing the said road, the said compa-
ny shall not obstruct or in any manner injure any other turn-
pike road, or any county or rail road, nor prevent or impede