An act to incorporate the Franklin Turnpike Road Company.
CHAP, 186
Passed March 10,
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly, by
the petition of the inhabitants of Baltimore county, who reside
upon Gwynn's falls, Dead run and the country adjacent
thereto, that they suffer great inconvenience from the want of
a good and direct road leading to the city of Baltimore; that
the said inhabitants are extensivelv engaged in agriculture
and manufactures, the former of which require an occasional,
the latter an almost daily intercourse with the city; but that
owing to the rough and uneven country in which they are
located, and the wretched and almost impassable condition of
the roads over which they are obliged to travel, they are de-
prived of the many benefits which a ready intercourse with
the city would afford them, and are denied the usual advan-
tages of a market for their productions and fabrics, but at
great trouble, expense and delay; and it being proper at all
times to afford the inhabitants of a country the benefits and
advantages of an easy intercourse with each other: Therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That a company be incorporated to make a turnpike
road from the city of Baltimore, beginning at or near the in-
tersection of the city boundary line and Franklin street, ex-
tending through the vallies of Gwynn's Fails and Dead Run,
and after passing the Windsor mill, or new cut road, to inter-
sect with the Liberty road in the direction of Randallstown,
at such point in said road, and upon such bed as the facilities
of the country and the public convenience may require.
Company incorpo-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That a subscription book shall be
opened in the city of Baltimore for a capital stock of fifty
thousand dollars, in shares of twenty dollars each, under the
direction of Beale Randall, Philip E Thomas, William,
Gwynn, William H. Freeman, Robert Dorsey, James Swan
and James William McCullo , or any three of them, who are
hereby appointed commissioners for the purpose aforesaid,
who shall, on or before the first day of May next, give notice
in two of the public papers in Baltimore for one month at least,
Capital $50,000
of the time when, and the place where, the said books will be
open to receive subscriptions for stock of the Franklin Turn-
pike Road Company, at which times and place at least three of
the said respective commissioners shall attend, and shall
permit and suffer all persons and corporations who shall offer
to subscribe in person, or by attorney duly authorised, in the
said books, which shall be kept open for that purpose at least
Commissioners to
open books.
four hours every day, for the space of three days, if three days
shall be necessary; Provided always, That every person of-
fering to subscribe in the said books in his own name, or in
the name of any other person, or for any corporation, shall
upon subscribing, pay to the attending commissioners one
dollar Cor every share to be subscribed, out of which shall be
defrayed the expense attending the taking of such subscirption
and other incidental charges, and the remainder shall be de-
Payment ob sub-