contained shall be so taken or construed as to effect the char-
tered rights of the Maryland Canal Company, nor shall the
said road company be allowed to make their road nearer than
ten feet to said canal on the west side, nor nearer than forty
feet to the east side of the same, without first obtaining per-
mission, in writing fiom the governor and directors of said
Maryland canal company to do so.
CHAP, 182
SEC. 8. And Be it enacted, That said company shall be,
and are hereby invested and clothed with all the privileges,
rights, immunities and advantages, which are held and pos-
sessed by the turnpike company, incorporated by an act passed
at November session, eighteen hundred and nine, entitled, An
act to incorporate a company to make a turnpike road from
near Ellicott's lower mills towards Georgetown in the District
of Columbia, to be governed by the same regulations as are
therein prescribed, and be entitled to the same tolls, and every
clause and provision of the said act relative to the road there-
in proposed to be made, so far as the same are applicable, and
Rights, powers
immunities grant-
not inconsistent with this act: Provided always, That the said
president, managers and company, shall cause twenty four feet
of said road to be bedded with stone or gravel, well compact-
ed together, at least eighteen inches deep in the centre, and
not less than twelve inches at its sides.
SEC, 9. And be it enacted, That any corporate body of the
,state of Maryland, and the United States, or any of the se-
c retarics of any the departments of the United Stated, be,
and they are hereby authorised to subscribe and take any num-
ber of shares of the stock of said company: Provided always,
That no person or bodies politic shall be entitled to more than
twenty five votes upon all the shares they may hold.
U. S. &c. author-
ised to subscribe
A further supplement to the act, entitled an act, to erect Balti-
more Town in Baltimore County, into a city, and to incorpo-
rate the inhabitants thereof.
Passed March 17
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the election for electors of mayor and members
of the city council, shall in future be held on the third Mon-
day in October, instead of the first Monday in October as
Elections 3d Mon-
day in October
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the treasurer of the Wes-
tern Shore be, and he is hereby directed to pay to the mayor
and city council of Baltimore, such distributive share of the
school fund as the city is or may be entitled to, and which is
now authorised by law, to be paid to the commissioners of
the school fund for the city of Baltimore.
School fund paya-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the justices of the peace of
the city of Baltimore be, and they are hereby directed and re-
quired, under a penalty of one hundred dollars, to make report
quarterly, on the first day of January, April, July and Octo-
Justices of the
peace to report