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Corporate power
cessary to conduct the business of the said company, and the
same to remove, re-appoint, or their vacancies to fill at their
will and pleasure.
SEC. 4, An4 be it enacted, That all persons who shall be-
come subscribers to the said road, their successors and assigns
shall be, and are hereby made a corporation and body politic,
bv the name and style of the The Fort Deposit and Columbia
Turnpike Road Company, and by the same name, the said
subscribers, and their successors and assigns, shall have suc-
cession during the continuance of this corporation, and shall
have all the privileges and franchises of, or incident to a cor-
poration, and shall be capable of taking and holding the said
capital stock, or the increase and profits thereof, and of en-
larging the same from time to time by new subscriptions, on
the original terms, in such manner and form as they shall
think proper, if such enlargement shall be found necssary to
fulfil the intent of this act, and of purchasing and taking to
them and their successors, in fee simple, and for any lesser
estate, all such land, tenements, hereditaments and estate, real
and personal, as shall be necessary to them in the prosecution
of their works: Provided, the said real estate shall not exceed
five acres in any one lot or parcel, and of suing or being suedy
answering or being answered; and the said company shall have
power to make a seal, and alter and break and renew the same
according to their will and pleasure.
Instalments paya-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the sum so subscribed shall
be paid to the president and managers elected agreeably to
this act, in the manner following, to wit: one fifth part thereof
(including the one dollar paid to the commissioners at the
time of subscribing,) at the end of one month after the elec-
tion of the managers and the remainder in such sums, and at
such times and places as the president and board of managers
shall appoint, they giving at least thirty days notice of the
payments so required»in the newspapers aforesaid
Annual election of
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the managers first elected
as aforesaid, shall hold their seats until the first Monday which
shall happen in the month of November next following the
election to be made agreeably to the mode prescribed as afore-
said; and upon the first Monday of November in each and
every year thereafter, there shall be a new election for eight
managers, who shall on the second Monday of November,
proceed to elect their president, and the president and mana-
gers thus annually elected, shall have full power and authority
to make,alter or repeal by-laws, for thtir government: Prodded
always, That they are not inconsistent with, or repugnant to
this act, and the laws of this state, or of the United Slates,
company protec-
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the president and managers
in locating and laying out the road contemplated by this act,
shall be , and are hereby required to run the same from the
lower end of Port Deposit, at a place commonly called Cul-
ley's Run, in such a dirtetion as they may think proper, to-
wards Pennsylvania, until they shall intersect the Pennsylva-
nia state line: Provided, neverhtheless, That nothing herein