mitted, or in Baltimore city court, if the offence shall been
committed within the limits of said city,
SEC. 8, And be it enacted, That nothing herein contained
shall be so construed as to prevent the mayor and city council
of Baltimore, the corporation of the city of Annapolis, or the
corporation of Frederick, from imposing, levying and collect-
ing any tax or duty which they are or shall be authorised, by
their respective charters, or any law of this state, to impose,
levy and collect.
CHAP. 117
Right of cities re-
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That any person or body corpo-
rate of politic, who shall be convicted of a breach of any of
the provisions of this act, before any county court, or he-
fore Baltimore city court, shall be adjudged guilty of a mis-
demeanor, and be fined or imprisoned, or both, at the discre-
tion of the court before whom he or she shall be thereof con-
Violation of the
law punishable by
fine and imprison-
victed: Provided always, That if within ten days after the
termination of any license herein before mentioned, the per-
son or persons, body or bodies corporate or politic, to whom
the same was granted, shall apply for and obtain a further li-
cense, he, she or they shall not, merely on account of such
delay, be considered as having violated any of the provisions
of this act.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That nothing, herein contained
shall be so construed as to permit any hawker or pedlar to sell
er barter any goods, wares or merchandise, within this state,
without having obtained a license for that purpose, as hereto-
fore required by law, nor tu impair the privileges which are
now secured to the shad and herring fisheries of this state.
Pedlars must ob-
tain licenses as
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the clerks of the several
counties, and of the city court of Baltimore, shall receive fifty
cents for each and every license granted under this act, out
of the money received by him for such license, in lieu of all other
Jets, except the five per cent, allowed by the existing laws.
Clerks fees
Sec, 12. And be it enacted, That so much ol any act or acts
of Assembly of this state, as may be repugnant to, or incon-
sistent with the provisions of this act, shall ctase to be of
any force or effect from and after the last day of April
next: Provided nevertheless, That nothing herein contained
shall abate any prosecution that may then be pending under
the laws of this state; And provided further, That all offences
committed before that period, shall be, and they are hereby
directed to be proceeded against and punished in the same
canner as they would have been proceeded against and pun-
Acts inconsistent
herewith repealed:
proceedings there-
under continued
ished, if this art had not been passed: Provided, however, That
the said repeal shall not be construed to prevent the issuing
of licenses under the said act or acts to be in force, until the
first day of May next, and for which there shall be paid such
sum of money for the time that such license is to continue, as
shall be in just proportion to the sum required by said act
or act for a license for an entire year.
Temporary licen-
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That nothing herein contained,
stall be construed to extend to any importer of goods, wares
and merchandize, who does not break packages or sell the
Sales by wholesale,