the state, of the stock of the Maryland Canal Company, in
corporated by said act, or to the appropriation of the sum of
two hundred thousand dollars for the purpose of draining,
embankingand rendering arable the low lands on the margins
of the rivers or creeks of the Eastern Shore of this state, be
and the same are hereby repealed: and that the faith of the
state is hereby pledged to appropriate the said sum of two hun-
dred thousand dollars for the exclusive benefit of the Eastern
Shore, and for the purposes of Internal Improvement on that
CHAP. 104
Shore, in such manner as the Legislature may hereafter direct,
SEC. 2, And be it enacted, That the seventy-second section of said
act, the seventh section of an act passed at December session,
eighteen hundred and twenty five, chapter two hundred, en-
titled, An act to incorporate the Susquehanna and Patapsco
Canal Company, and all acts or parts of acts which authorise
or in any wise relate to any .subscription to be made by or on
the part of this state to the stock of the Susquehanna and Pa-
tapsco Canal Company, or the Pennsylvania and Maryland
Canal Company, incorporated by chapter one hundred and
thirty six of the acts of December session, eighteen hundred
and twenty six, be, and the same are hereby repealed.
Authority to sub-
scribe to certain
canal companies
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the treasurer of the Western
Shore be, and he is hereby authorised and directed to sub-
scribe for and on behalf of the state of Maryland, for five
thousand shares of stock in the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road
company: Provided always, That before any such subscrip-
tion shall be made, the president and directors of said com-
pany shall agree and shall certify to said treasurer, under their
corporate seal, their agreement to accept in payment of the
instalments becoming due on such subscriptions as they may
be called for, certificates of stock of the state of Maryland at
par, redeemable for fifteen years, and bearing an interest of
five per centum per annum, to commence upon any such cer-
tificates at the expiration of twelve months after the same
Treasurer directed
to subscribe for
5000 shares in Bal-
timore and Ohio
rail road coompany
— conditions stipu-
shall have been issued: And provided also, That before any
instalment which may be called for by said company shall be
paid by said treasurer upon the stock subscribed by the state,
the said treasurer shall be satisfied by a certificate under the
seal of said company, signed by the president and two of the
directors on the part of the state, if there be any then appoint-
ed, that stock to the amount of three millions of dollars to the
said company has been subscribed for by individuals and pri-
vate corporations: and that the instalment thereon similar to
that required co be paid on behalf of the state, and all the pre-
vious instalments which may have accrued thereon have been
paid: And provided also, That the president and directors of
said company shall agree so to locale said road, that it shall
go to, or strike the Potomac river at some point between the
mouth of the Monocasy river and the town of Cumberland,
in Allegany county, and that it shall go into Frederick, Wash-
ington and Allegany counties: And provided also, before such
subscription is made, the president and dicectors of the said
company shall, in writing co be approved by the attorney gene-