Program 1
Miss Stephanie Hubbard, Account Clerk II, was married in
November 1969, and resigned shortly thereafter on December 9,
1969. Miss Hubbard was replaced by Mr. Mardean R. Miller, effec-
tive January 5, 1970.
Mrs. Judith W. Eucare returned from maternity leave on
September 3, 1969. During her absence she had been temporarily
replaced by Mrs. Jennifer S. Riggio. Mrs. Eucare was promoted
from Secretary III to Secretary IV on April 15, 1970.
Program 2
Patricia Alien, Clerk-Typist II, transferred to the Office of
Superintendent of Public Buildings and Grounds at the close of
this fiscal year, June 30, 1970.
Kenneth L. Thompson, Manuscript Repair Technician, died
suddenly on September 3, 1969. Edward G. Boydston replaced
Mr. Thompson on October 16, 1969; however, he resigned Novem-
ber 25, 1969 and Mrs. Andrea M. Kallis was appointed on Novem-
ber 29, 1969 to fill this position.
Susan G. Nettles, Archivist II, resigned September 2, 1969
to do graduate work in history at The American University. She
was replaced by Gabrielle H. Bershen on September 3, 1969.
Miss Bershen resigned on June 16, 1970.
Darlene D. Boettcher, Manuscript Repair Technician, was
granted maternity leave and was temporarily replaced by Anne
P. Seneff, March thru June, 1970. Miss Seneff was appointed
Archivist I on June 29, 1970, filling the position vacated by
Miss Bershen.
Program 8
Elizabeth Kimpton, Secretary II, resigned August 5, 1969
to accept employment with the Department of Economic Develop-
ment. She was replaced by Carole B. Baker on August 18, 1969;
however, Mrs. Baker resigned June 9, 1970 to be with her hus-
band, a student in Virginia. This position was then filled by
Mrs. Martha L. Bontz.