(House Bill 966)
AN ACT to propose an amendment to Section 4 of Article VII of the
Constitution of Maryland, title "Sundry Officers," providing for the
abolition of the office of Commissioner of the Land Office, and
providing for the submission of this amendment to the qualified
voters of the State of Maryland for their adoption or rejection.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
(Three-fifths of all the Members elected to each of the two Houses
concurring), That the following section be and the same is hereby
proposed as an amendment to Section 4 of Article VII of the Con-
stitution of Maryland, title "Sundry Officers," the same, if adopted by
the legally qualified voters of the State, as herein provided, to become
a part of the Constitution of Maryland:
There shall be a Commissioner of the Land Office, who shall be
appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of
the Senate, who shall hold his office during the term of the Governor,
by whom he shall have been appointed, and until his successor shall
be appointed and qualified. He shall perform such duties as are now
required of the Commissioner of the Land Office, or such as may
hereafter be prescribed by Law, and shall also be the Keeper of the
Chancery Records. He shall receive a salary of One Thousand Five
Hundred Dollars per annum, to be paid out of the Treasury, and
shall charge such fees as are now, or may be hereafter fixed by Law.
He shall make a semi-annual report of all the fees of his office, both
as Commissioner of the Land Office, and as Keeper of the Chancery
Records, to the Comptroller of the Treasury, and shall pay the same
semi-annually into the Treasury. The office of the Commissioner of
the Land Office shall be abolished at the end of the term of the present
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the aforegoing section
hereby proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of this State
shall be, at the next general election, to be held in this State in the
year 1966, submitted to the legal and qualified voters thereof for their
adoption or rejection in pursuance of the directions contained in Article
14 of the Constitution of this State, and at the said general election,
the vote on the said proposed amendment shall be by ballot, and