the review is made when the equipment or service is requisitioned, to
determine whether it is needed or is appropriate for the purpose
Earlier in the report, we mentioned our role as adviser to the
Comptroller of the Treasury on the expenditure of funds by the Clerks
of Court and Registers of Wills for record equipment and services. In
addition to the requests already discussed, twenty-seven others were
referred to us for review and recommendations. Among these were
Photostat cameras, copy machines, roller shelves, filing cabinets, and
the rebinding and recovering of record books.
Interest in our records management program for state and local
agencies has not been confined entirely to Maryland. Each year we
receive inquiries relating to the program or asking for assistance with
records problems. Frequently these requests are from states or counties
wishing to establish programs of their own. It is our policy to share
our experience in this field with others whose objectives are akin to
ours, and to encourage them to visit the Hall of Records to observe
our program in operation.