again emphasized the control of records by schedule at all levels of
government and the reduction in the quantity of non-current records
retained in office and storage areas of State agencies.
During the year, forty-one records schedules governing 434
separate records series were established for State, county and municipal
agencies, and 3,628 cubic feet of records were transferred to the
Records Centers in Baltimore and Annapolis from State agencies. Even
though these transfers increased the total volume of records housed in
the Centers, requests for record units or information dropped slightly
for the first time since the Centers were established.
Reduction in the bulk of records through the substitution of micro-
film copies for the originals remains an important part of our records
program. Microfilming is usually employed when the original would
otherwise be retained indefinitely or when a security copy is considered
necessary. This year, 2,539,413 exposures were made for State agencies.
The records microfilmed and retired, as well as those destroyed without
filming from the Records Centers and from agencies of State or local
governments, amounted to 9,244 cubic feet. As in the past, we con-
tinued to dispose of these unneeded records to waste paper companies
on a contractual basis. This year, the State derived $3,949.83 from this
source, of which $ 1,876.97 was returned to the general funds of the
State. The remainder went to the Department of Employment Security,
which operates entirely on Federal funds.
We again provided the Commissioner of the Land Office with
microfilm copies of the currently recorded land records, and the De-
partment of Assessments and Taxation with copies of current deeds
from certain counties for its tax map program. These records were
filmed especially for the Hall of Records by the Clerks of Court or
were a part of the projection print recording program carried on
through Hall & McChesney. Our personnel supervised the filming,
inspected the film, and delivered it to the Land Office. They also film
the abstracts of mortgage releases which are forwarded to us each year
by the respective Clerks of Court, so that security copies of the land
records in the Land Office may be complete.
As in the past, we worked with the Department of Budget and
Procurement on requests from State agencies for the purchase or rental
of record equipment and services. In some cases, we were asked to
review these requests at the time budget requests were made; in others,