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charge d'affaires to Belgium, Maxcy was killed by the explosion of a
cannon being test-fired aboard the U. S. S. Princeton. Several others
lost their lives in the same accident, among them two cabinet members
Abel P. Upshur, Secretary of State, and Thomas W. Gilmer, Secretary
of the Navy. It was only by chance that President Tyler, also aboard,
escaped a similar fate. Miss Edith D. C. F. Rivinus and Mrs. Mary
Markoe Fetterman, owners of the Collection, have agreed to leave it
on deposit at the Hall of Records.

Through the generosity of Mrs. Harry Slack, we acquired a very
handsome color sketch of Camp Burnside, a Civil War Camp located
in Annapolis in 1862. It was lithographed by the well-known E. Sachse
& Company of Baltimore.

We were very pleased to receive the two rare and beautifully
printed volumes containing facsimiles of letters and other documents
pertaining to George Washington that were presented to us by the
Reverend and Mrs. Leslie Fairfield.

Through the cooperation of the Baltimore Museum of Art and
the State Library, we have added to our holdings microfilm copies of
the sketchbooks of the noted Maryland artist Frank B. Mayer (1827-
1899). These notebooks were exhibited in the lobby of our building
for several weeks, attracting much favorable attention from visitors.

Local newspapers provide a very useful supplement to official
records and occasionally furnish information that cannot be found else-
where. For the past few years, we have budgeted a certain amount of
our funds for the purchase of microfilm copies of newspapers in
representative areas of the State whenever a good run becomes available.
The Frederick Town Herald was actually purchased at the end of fiscal
year 1964, but was inadvertently omitted from our last report.


The letters and/or numbers in parentheses are accession symbols.
Unless otherwise indicated the materials listed are originals.

Record of Marriages, 1791-1900, 8 volumes, microfilm (CR8652-CR8653)
Index to Record of Marriages, Females, 1886-1900, 2 volumes, microfilm


Wills, 1953-1963, 5 volumes, microfilm (CR8607-CR8609)
Orphans' Court Proceedings, 1954-1963, 18 volumes, microfilm


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