finally appeared, it was worth the time and effort of the editors. It is
for sale at $10.00 a copy at the American Historical Association, 400 H
Street, S.E., Washington, D. C. The contribution of the Hall of Rec-
ords to this work was, in addition to monetary, the transcription of the
original, which was supervised by Mr. Skordas, the biographical ma-
terial of the Prince George's County Court members, supplied by Mrs.
Jacobsen, and the proper name index, compiled by Mrs. Carr. Mrs.
Carr read proof on the Introduction, the subject index and the proper
name index, in addition to being helpful otherwise.
Fiscal year 1964 marked the second full year that we have had a
Photographer primarily occupied with the microfilming of county rec-
ords, and it also marked the completion of the County Land Records
Project begun in 1955.
The field work in the last of the twenty-three counties was com-
pleted, and many retakes, indexes, and other miscellaneous records were
also done. This left only Baltimore City, which progressed from 1910
to 1920, still to be finished to give us microfilm copies of all the land
records of the state recorded from the beginning of each county to
1949. After that date, microfilm copies are regularly provided by the
Clerks of Court to the Land Office.
At the beginning of the year, Somerset and St. Mary's Counties
were yet to be done and Montgomery was to be finished. The latter
was done by the Clerk of the Court who had taken responsibility for it
from the first. Somerset and St. Mary's were our responsibility. The Bal-
timore City project is a separate project under the direction of the
Clerk of the Superior Court. It is our hope that it too will be com-
pleted in several years and when it is, we shall take note of it, other-
wise the Land Records Project will no longer appear in the Annual
County Land Records Series Completed Prior to Fiscal Year 1964
Allegany .................... 1851-1949
Anne Arundel ................ 1851-1949
Baltimore ................... 1851-1949 (The records in Towson begin in 1851)
Calvert ..................... 1882-1949 (The earlier records were lost in
courthouse fire)
Caroline .................... 1851-1949
Carroll ......................1851-1949
Cecil ........................1851-1949