During the whole of fiscal year 1963 we had for the first time the
use of a full-time microfilm operator for work in the counties. The
results reflect it. Garrett County, with the exception of some indexes
and a fair number of retakes, was finished before the year began. The
work was completed early in the year. Allegany was also well along
and, in short order, it too was filed away on our shelves. We were
especially happy to have these two counties done because they are
farthest away and they are in the mountainous Westernmost part of
Maryland making travel there expensive and seasonal. We then under-
took two of the largest Eastern Shore Counties, Kent and Dorchester,
and they were likewise finished before the end of the fiscal year.
At this writing we are coming to the end of the project. We shall
be able to report the completion of St. Mary's, Somerset and Mont-
gomery Counties in our report for fiscal year 1964. Baltimore City
which progressed from 1905 to 1910 has still a long way to go. But this
is a project of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore City and
therefore escapes our responsibility.
County Land Records Series Completed Prior to Fiscal Year 1963
Anne Arundel .........1851-1949
Baltimore ...........1851-1949 (The records in Towson begin in 1851)
Calvert .............1882-1949 (Earlier records burned)
Caroline ............1851-1949
Carroll .............1851-1949
Cecil ..............1851-1949
Charles ...........—1851-1949
Frederick ...........1851-1949
Harford ............1851-1949
Howard ............1851-1949
Prince George's ........1851-1949
Queen Anne's .........1851-1949
Talbot .............1851-1949
Washington ..........1851-1949
Wicomico ...........1851-1949
Worcester ...........1851-1949
County Land Record Series Completed in Fiscal Year 1963
Allegany ............1851-1949
Dorchester ...........1851-1949
Garrett .............1872-1949 (County erected in 1872)
Kent ..............1851-1949
It will be recalled that land records after 1949 are microfilmed
and sent to the Land Office. Land records before 1851 are at the Hall
of Records in microfilm copy filmed by the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints.