Among the visitors to the Hall of Records who came to do research
in the records, to examine the building or to study methods and
procedures were the following:
Robert Agard, Librarian, University of Massachusetts Library;
William E. Akin, University of Maryland, indexer, Historic Annapolis,
Inc.; Paul Alfred Alsberg, Director, State Archives of Israel; Donald
C. Anthony, Associate Librarian, Chief of Manuscripts and Archives,
New York State Library; Louis Azrael, columnist, the Baltimore
News-Post; Reverend Theodore H. Bailey, Vicar, Middleham Chapel,
Calvert County; Mrs. Irvin C. Brown, compiler of Marriages and
Deaths, 1830-1837, Washington County, Maryland, printed in The
Republican Banner; Robert J. Bull, Assistant Professor of Church
History, Drew University, biographer of Freeborn Garrettson; Mrs.
George E. Burnett, Salisbury, Trustee, Maryland Historical Trust;
William L. Calderhead, Professor of History, United States Naval
Academy; George H. Callcott, historian of University of Maryland;
Jack L. Carr, Planning Director of Annapolis, Maryland; Kenneth L.
Carroll, Professor at Southern Methodist University and Quaker his-
torian; Theodore S. Creedman, University of Maryland, indexer, His-
toric Annapolis, Inc.; L. Eugene Cronin, Director of Natural Resources,
Institute of the University of Maryland, and a party of six; Leon
deValinger, Jr., Archivist of Delaware; Richard K. Doud, biographer
of John Hesselius; William V. Eider III, Curator of the White House,
Washington, D. C.; Clinton Ashley Ellefson, University of Maryland,
historian of Colonial Courts; Ernest M. Eller, Rear Admiral, USN
(Ret.), Office of Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, D. C.;
Francisco Jose Fallon, National Archives of Argentina; Joseph Fcnstcr-
maker, University of Illinois, student of American banking prior to
1837; Charles E. Fenwick, President, St. Mary's County Historical
Society, Leonardtown, Maryland.
Anna Gregersen, University of Maryland, student of Early Agri-
cultural Societies in Maryland, 1800-1860; Len Guttridge, Alexandria,
Virginia, historian of the Decatur-Barron Duel; John F. Harvey, Dean,
School of Library Science, Drexel Institute; John M. Hemphill II,
Professor of History, Southwestern College, Memphis, Tennessee;
Catherine A. Herbert, Admissions Office of Trinity College. Wash ing-
ton, D. C.; Mrs. Truman E. Hienton, historian of Prince George's
County; Harry W. Hill, Admiral, USN (Ret.), Anne Arundel County
Director, Civil War Centennial Commission; Oliver Wendcll Holmes,