annual meeting of the National Microfilm Association which was held
April 25, 1962 in Washington, D. C. Mr. Beach was reappointed a
member of the Records Management Committee of the S.A.A.
Since his division is responsible for certain local records as well
as for those of the State, Mr. Beach found it useful to attend the
annual meeting of the Registers of Wills Association, which was held
this year at Ocean City, July 21-22, 1961. Mr. Beach was unable to
attend the meeting of the Clerks of Court Association which was also
held at Ocean City, August 11-12, 1961, but he was represented by
George Straubinger, Public Records Examiner who was joined there by
Mr. Skordas.
On June 22, 1962, the following students of the Sixteenth Annual
Institute on Preservation and Administration of Archives attended
classes here: Rodney Armstrong, Librarian, Davis Library, The Phillips
Exeter Academy, Exeter, New Hampshire; Luc-Andre Biron, Archiviste
de la Cite, Les Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada; Loretta Blais, Assistant
Archivist, Special Collections, John Hay Library, Brown University,
Providence, Rhode Island; Connis O. Brown, Jr., County Records
Camera Operator, State Department of Archives and History, Raleigh,
North Carolina; Merle D. Candler, Aero-Space Division, The Boeing
Company, Seattle, Washington.
Other members of the class were Miss Joan V. Caulfield, Senior
Records Clerk, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
Washington, D. C.; Peter Collins, Records Analyst, Canadian National
Railways, Montreal, Canada; Mrs. Ophelia Daniels, Library Assistant,
Howard University Library, Washington, D. C.; Harold F. Elliott,
Chief, Federal Records Center, General Services Administration, Na-
tional Archives & Records Service, San Francisco; Howard B. Gotlieb,
Librarian, Historical Manuscripts, Yale University Library; Lee Z.
Johnson, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts;
Miss Gertrude Lemon, Reference Librarian, Kansas State Teachers
College, Emporia, Kansas.
Some others were Miss Mary Lynn McCree, Archival Assistant,
Illinois State Library, Springfield, Illinois; William L. McDowell,