County which is of a much later period, but is of unusual importance because
of the extraordinary number of Marriage Registers—eleven volumes for the
relatively short period from 1929 to 1957.
In several instances the records acquired related to parishes already repre-
sented in our collection, such as Chester Parish in Kent County, Miles River
Parish in Talbot County and St. Luke's Parish in Queen Anne's County. Six
volumes containing the notes of Dr. Ethan Allen relating to the history of
the parishes of the Eastern Shore were loaned to us for microfilming from the
library of the Diocese of Easton through the courtesy of the Right Reverend
Allen Jerome Miller, Bishop of Easton. This is just one example of the many
ways in which Bishop Miller has assisted us in obtaining the records of his
Among the materials received from private sources last year was a col-
lection called the "Bishop Henry C. Lay Papers." These papers were deposited
by Mrs. Paul Green of Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Bishop Lay, the paternal
grandfather of Mrs. Green, had strong Maryland connections having served
as the first Bishop of the Diocese of Easton. The collection includes the Bishop's
diary from 1873 to 1878 and a number of printed items containing his ser-
mons and other writings. There are also fourteen letters concerning members
of the Booth family including five written in 1789 by Governor Daniel
Rogers of Delaware to his Secretary of State, James Booth. Writing to his
father from Newcastle, Delaware, in 1800 James Booth, Jr. reports "The
Constellation is down." He also mentions that "The United States Frigate
passed by the Town," but Admiral Barry would not stop because according
to a Mr. Caldwell, the Admiral "hated to stop here, because he said there are
so many Democrats in town." Of especial interest to Annapolitans is a letter
written by Anna Booth to her sister, Mary Ellen Booth, which describes the
burning of St. Anne's Church in 1858.
The Henderson Collection, deposited by Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hen-
derson, contains materials of national interest, notably the papers of Brevet
Captain Edmund L. F. Hardcastle of the corps of Topographical Engineers,
U. S. Army, who was in charge of the field work of the survey of the bound-
ary line between California and Mexico in 1848-1852. Some of Hardcastle's
earlier engineering work may be seen in several of the fourteen Mexican War
Battle Maps included in the collection, which also contains a number of plats,
patents, deeds and other documents dating from 1663 to 1844 and relating
to "Boston Clifts," "Troths Fortune" and several other tracts of land in
Talbot County.
Through the efforts of Mr. John Hemphill, Research Associate of
Colonial Williamsburg, arrangements were completed whereby the Callister
Papers were loaned to us by the Maryland Diocesan Library to be microfilmed.
We prepared three positive microfilm prints for Colonial Williamsburg, two
of which were destined for the Liverpool City Record Office and the Manx
Museum, Douglas, Isle of Man in the British Isles. The film negative remained
in our custody. This collection is comprised for the most part of the cor-