In my report for the last fiscal year I advised you that we had completed
making insurance copies of all the land records of Calvert and Caroline
Counties. In the fiscal year just over we have added three more counties to the
completed group—Queen Anne's, Howard and Anne Arundel. In Queen
Anne's County the actual filming was done by a Deputy Clerk of Court; in
Howard, by a temporary operator employed especially for this purpose; and
in Anne Arundel, with the exception of the last year and a half of the record,
by our own photographer. In each case the film, processing, checking and
labeling was contributed by the Hall of Records. The completion of the work
in Anne Arundel County after several years of part-time work by our opera-
tor is especially noteworthy in that it marked our first experience with one of
the major centers of population of the State.
Good progress was also made during the year in Prince George's and
Baltimore Counties. A start was made in Baltimore City but the size of this
undertaking makes it a long-term venture—there are something like twelve
thousand record volumes which will have to be filmed. At the end of the fiscal
year, two other counties were begun—Frederick and Wicomico.
It is, of course, altogether possible to do a project of this kind at one
time by employing a special staff, purchasing or renting equipment and asking
for the funds which would be required. At least one state is now attempting to
do just this. Our way of working in one county after another, wherever there
is time and whenever there is money, is cheaper and more conducive to the
production of good permanent film. We have chosen this course deliberately
and as of now do not regret it, although to be sure, we should regret it
enormously if records still uninsured by microfilm were to perish through fire
or other cause. We are aware of the calculated risk involved. We are fearful
but not alarmed.
Status of Land Record Project, June 30, 1958
Anne Arundel County ................ 1851-1949 (complete)
Baltimore City ............................ 1851-1857
Baltimore City Block Books ...... 1851-1953 (but incomplete)
Baltimore County ........................ 1851-1922
Calvert County ............................ 1882-1952 (complete)
Caroline County .......................... 1851-1950 (complete)
Cecil County ................................ 1918-1949
Howard County .......................... 1850-1949 (complete)
Prince George's County .............. 1851-1940
Queen Anne's County ................ 1852-1S92 (complete)