Among the unusually large number of visitors in the course of the year
the following merit special mention: Jose Acaron, Court Administration,
Supreme Court of Puerto Rico; Mary G. Ainsworth, Register General, N. S.
D. A. R. ; Howard E. Ankeney, Washington County Delegate to the General
Assembly; T. C. Barker, historian, London School of Economics; Rosamond
R. Beirne, co-author, William Buckland, 1733-1774, Architect of Virginia
and Maryland; Albert D. Bell, historian and author; Charles H. Bohner, his-
torian, University of Delaware; Lansdale G. Claggett, County Commissioner,
Prince George's County; Louise H. Clickner, Librarian, U. S. Bureau of the
Census; Ross A. Dierdoflf, historian of the Presbyterian Church in Annapolis;
Mary K. Edelen, Publicity Director, Society for the Restoration of Port
Tobacco; Anne C. Edmonds, Librarian, Goucher College; Charles Elam,
Assistant to the Director of The Peale Museum; Ernest M. Eller, Director of
Naval History, U. S. Department of the Navy; Leslie L. Fairfield, Rector,
Christ Church Parish, Anne Arundel County; George Gardiner, President,
Society for the Restoration of Port Tobacco; Francis C. Haber, Librarian,
Maryland Historical Society; L. Wade Hampton, Rector, All Hallows Parish,
Anne Arundel County; Thomas J. Harte, History Department, The Catholic
University of America; John M. Hemphill, II, Research Associate, Colonial
Williamsburg; Oliver W. Holmes, historian of the early United States Post
Office; Wilbur H. Hunter, Director, The Peale Museum; Frank N. Jones,
Director, The Peabody Institute Library; Charles F. Kirkley, Rector, Trinity
Methodist Church, Annapolis; Mollie F. F. Lukis, Archivist, State Library,
Perth, Western Australia; Harry W. Kirwin, Head, History Department,
Loyola College, Baltimore; William L. McDowell, Jr., South Carolina Archives
Department; Franklin R. Mullaly, Historian of Fort McHenry, National
Park Service; Kenneth D. Nelson, Procedure Analyst, Records Management
Division, Illinois Archives; William M. Plummer, Rector, Christ Church
Parish, Calvert County; Benjamin F. Quarles, Author of The Negro In The
Civil War; Roy Quillen, Microfilm Technician, Delaware State Archives;
Luis M. Rodriguez, General Archivist of Puerto Rico; Dan W. Robison,
Archivist of Tennessee; Robert Allen Rutland, author, The Birth of The Bill
of Rights, 1776-1791; T. R. Schellenberg, Assistant Archivist of the United
States; Robert Shosteck, Curator, B'nai B'rith Museum, Washington, D. C.;
Jean Stephenson, Fellow, American Society of Genealogists; Neil Strawser,
graduate student in history; J. Edmund Thompson, Rector of Middleham
Chapel, Calvert County; Hector L. Vazquez, Records Manager, Bureau
of the Budget, Puerto Rico; James Huntington Whyte, historian and author;
Charles T. Zahn, translator of German Lutheran records.