September 27, 1957, our Public Records Examiner, Mr. Saunders, ac-
companied by Mr. George Warren, Assistant Archivist of Colorado, visited
the Delaware Hall of Records, where Mr. deValinger arranged for them to
tour the Hall of Records building and the State Museum.
The Archivist became a member of The Society of Architectural His-
torians in November 1957.
The Assistant Records Administrator visited the United States General
Services Administration Records Center at Alexandria, Virginia, December
10, 1957.
On January 14, 1958, the Archivist and the Assistant Records Admin-
istrator attended the first meeting of the Civil War Centennial Commission
at the Department of The Interior in Washington.
On March 7 and 8, 1958, the Archivist, accompanied by the Public
Records Examiner, visited the Archives, the Hall of History, and the North
Carolina Records Center at Raleigh, and the Southern Historical Collection
and University of North Carolina Library, at Chapel Hill. The Archivist
also conferred, March 9, with Professor William S. Jenkins, Director of the
Public Records Collection and Research Bureau of The University of North
The Assistant Archivist addressed a luncheon meeting of the "Wednesday
Club" of Baltimore on the activities of the Hall of Records, April 16, 1958.
On May 28, 1958, Mr. Weatherly attended a meeting of the Reference
Service Division of the American Library Association at Towson State Teach-
ers College.
Mr. Weatherly attended the Eighth Annual Institute of Genealogical
Research, sponsored by The American University, The National Archives
and the Maryland Hall of Records which was held July 15-August 10, 1957.
As a part of his course, he visited The Library of Congress, The Friends*
Library at Swarthmore, the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, the His-
torical Society of Pennsylvania, the Virginia Historical Society and the
Library of The College of William and Mary.
Mr. Saunders took an evening course (February-June, 1958) in auto-
matic data processing systems at The American University in Washington.
In fiscal year 1958, the Archivist lectured to three classes of The
American University. Thirty-one students of the Eighth Annual Institute of
Genealogical Research spent the day of July 17, 1957. The class roll follows:
Hazel M. Amos, Mary G. Ainsworth, Margaret T. Baker, Agnes M. Balshaw,
Helen D. Bates, Hilda E. Bloom, Mary G. Bloom, Helen Boswell, Mary W.
Cochran, Jessie F. DeShong, Josephine S. Earnest, Archie H. Eldrige, Pauline