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Twenty-Second Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records, FY 1957
Volume 459, Page 16   View pdf image (33K)
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finished and the work in progress at the Hall of Records. It also attempts
to give an account of the cost of this work, although archival cos t-accounting
cannot but remain an inexact science.

Publication No. 11 of the Hall of Records Commission: Calendar of
Maryland State Papers Number 5, Executive Miscellanea. Two years ago we
had tentatively decided that Publication No. 10 would be our last calendar
volume. After a good deal of soul-searching, we decided to do a single addi-
tional volume in order to include other materials of the same period which had
previously been omitted. The materials in this new volume include a few items
in the Red Books which had been overlooked; the papers in the Blue Books
which were not related to the Bank Stock Papers, to which that series is
mainly dedicated; some papers which were supposed to have been included in
the Rainbow series but for some reason were not bound in but put in port-
folios; and some boxes of important papers of the period which had not been
included in the Rainbow series and which had been published only in small
part. At this writing our new volume is in galley proof and should appear
early in 1958.

The Maryland Manual, 1957-1958. Gathering and compiling materials
for this biennial publication began toward the end of fiscal year 1957, and the
completed volume should be ready for distribution to the General Assembly
when it meets in February 1958.

Publication No. 12 of the Hall of Records Commission: The County
Courthouses and Records of Maryland. Preparation of this work began in
'fiscal year 1956, and sufficient progress has been made at this writing to
predict its appearance by the end of the current fiscal year.

I regret that I cannot be as sanguine about the volume of court records
of Prince George's County, which has been a joint project of the Hall of
Records and the Littleton-Griswold Committee of the American Historical
Association for more than a decade. We are encouraged, however, by the
competence and interest of the present editor, Joseph H. Smith, Esq. of New
York City. Happily for him, but unfortunately for this book, Mr. Smith is not
only a legal historian of note but he is also a busy practicing attorney and as a
consequence of this dual role, he has not had sufficient time to complete the
work which he began two years ago.

Some progress has also been made on the revised edition of the Maryland
Guide which we undertook last year. Our plans have been made, some of the
trips have been taken, and several tours have been prepared in preliminary
form. This is obviously not the kind of work that we can hope to finish


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Twenty-Second Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records, FY 1957
Volume 459, Page 16   View pdf image (33K)
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