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Twenty-Second Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records, FY 1957
Volume 459, Page 15   View pdf image (33K)
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Beall, historian of Prince George's County; Warren Browning, Member of the
House of Delegates from Montgomery County; Mary G. Bryan, Director,
Georgia Department of Archives and History; Meredith B. Colket, Jr., The
National Archives; Agnes C. Conrad, Archives of Hawaii; Leon deValinger,
Archivist of Delaware; Anne E. Edmonds, Librarian, Goucher College; E. W.
Eller, Director, Bureau of Naval Archives and History; Francis C. Haber,
Librarian, Maryland Historical Society; Bruce C. Harding, Field Representa-
tive, Forest History Foundation, Incorporated; Thomas J. Harte, History
Department, The Catholic University of America; Claude B. Hellmann, Secre-
tary of State of Maryland; John M. Hemphill, II, Research Associate, Colonial
Williamsburg; D. Ralph Horsey, Clerk of the Circuit Court for Caroline
County; Harry R. Hughes, Member of the House of Delegates from Caroline
County; Wilbur H. Hunter, Jr., Director, The Peale Museum.

Also: Erich Isaac, historian of Kent Island; Joseph E. James, Rector of
St. John's, Holy Trinity and St. Mary's Whitechapel Parishes, Caroline Coun-
ty; Stewart M. Joy, Assistant Minister of St. Paul's Church, Rock Creek
Parish; Ralph L. Ketcham, Associate Editor, The Papers of James Madison;
John D. Kilbourne, Director, Historical Society of York County, Pennsylva-
nia; Aubrey C. Land, Professor of History, University of Nebraska; William
H. McCauley, Assistant Archivist of Delaware; Eric McDermott, Georgetown
University, historian of the first generation of Marylanders; Thomas B. R.
Mudd, Maryland State Senator from Charles County; Franklin R. Mullaly,
Historian, National Park Service; William P. Phillips, Treasurer of the Vestry,
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Berlin, Maryland; Ralph Reppert, staff member,
Sunday Sun; J. Edmund Thompson, Rector of Middleham Chapel, Calvert
County; Frederick Tilp, Architect; Karl L. Trever, Special Assistant to the
Archivist of the United States; Robert W. S. Turner, African Central Ar-
chives; Evangeline K. White, author.


The fiscal year which ended June 30, 1956, saw more publications com-
pleted by the Hall of Records staff than in any previous year. It is understand-
able, therefore, that the fiscal year which followed was one devoted in the
main to the beginning of new publications rather than to the completion of
old ones. There were also several long-term projects on which progress can
be reported.

The Twenty-First Annual Report of the Archivist

appeared May 1, 1957. It was written, as was its predecessors, to give the
members of the Hall of Records Commission a detailed account of the work


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Twenty-Second Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records, FY 1957
Volume 459, Page 15   View pdf image (33K)
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