during the summer of 1956, Professor John C. Reed who began a revision of
the Maryland Guide and Miss Martha M. France who acted as Mr. Reed's
secretary. Mr. Reed's employment began May 21 and terminated August 31,
Miss France's, June 18 to September 4.
While our staff was relatively stable during fiscal year 1956, we saw a
warning for the future in the difficulty we encountered in replacing Miss Jen-
sen. Mr. Beach and the Archivist interviewed graduating students at the
University of Maryland, the University of Delaware and St. John's College
without finding a single applicant for the position of Junior Archivist. It
seemed incredible to us at first but we became used to the idea that the salary
scale for this classification, $3,580-$4,295, no longer tempted even a new
graduate in the arts. The Archivist feels, therefore, that we shall have to look
forward to more vacancies and fewer and less qualified applicants to fill them
in the new fiscal year.
The annual meeting of The Society of American Archivists which was
held in Nashville, Tennessee, October 9-11, 1955, was attended by the Archi-
vist, who was then serving as president of the Society, Mr. Skordas, Mr. Beach,
Mr. Thomas, Mr. Caton, Mr. Wilds and Mr. Hively. The address delivered
by the Archivist at this meeting appeared in The American Archh ist (Jan-
uary 1956 issue), the quarterly journal of The Society of American Archi-
vists. Mr. Beach, who was acting chairman of the Auditing Committee, pre-
sented the annual report of that committee.
On the completion of his term as president, the Archivist became chair-
man of the Committee on Professional Standards and Training, whose mem-
bership is comprised of past presidents. During his tenure as chairman he wrote
and submitted to the Council a proposal for the creation of fellows of the
At the same meeting, the Assistant Archivist was appointed a member
of the Program Committee and of the Committee on State Records; while
the Assistant Records Administrator was made chairman of the Committee
on Records Management, and a member of the Committee on Microphoto-
On July 18, 1955, Mr. Skordas and Mr. Wilds attended the annual con-
vention of the National Association of County Recorders in Richmond,
Virginia; and the Archivist and Assistant Archivist attended the annual meet-
ing of the Society for State and Local History' at Williamsburg, Virginia,
September 26-27, 1955.