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Twentieth Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records, FY 1955
Volume 457, Page 14   View pdf image (33K)
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Mr. Beach and Mr. Caton attended sessions of the Seventh Annual Office
Management Training Conference at the University of Maryland, November
11-13, 1954. Mrs. Rucker, Mr. Skordas, Mr. Beach, Mr. Caton and Mr. Wea-
therly attended the symposium on the Preservation of Records sponsored by
the Chesapeake and Allegheny Pulp and Paper Club and held March 25, 1955,
at the Bureau of Standards.


The Archivist continued as a member of the Board of Directors of His-
toric Annapolis, Incorporated and of the Historical Committee of that organ-
ization through December 1954. He received an award from this group at the
Annual Membership Meeting, November 25, 1954, for his book Buildings of
The State of Maryland at Annapolis. The Commission will be pleased to know
that our work in behalf of the Calvert County Tercentenary Celebration was
recognized by an award to the Archivist, given after a mock legislative session
at Preston on Patuxent, September 30, 1954.

In the course of the year the Archivist addressed the Kent County Histo-
rical Society, November 17, 1954; the Peggy Stuart Tea Party Chapter of
the D. A. R., April 14, 1955. The Archivist was elected to membership in
"The Baltimore Bibliophiles" and attended monthly meetings of this group
which were held in the John Work Garrett Library in Baltimore. Mr. Thomas
was elected to honorary membership in the Augustine Herman Czech Histori-
cal Society and he addressed that group on the occasion of their annual meet-
ing, February 27, 1955; he also accompanied its delegation which presented
a petition to Governor McKeldin praying for the designation of a State High-
way as the Augustine Herman Highway, on March 29, 1954.

Among the thousand visitors to the Hall of Records, special mention
ought to be made of the professional archivists and historians who find materi-
als and procedures here worthy of their attention: Jeremias Mama Akita,
Archivist of the Gold Coast; Robert H. Bahmer, Assistant Archivist of the
United States; F. Clever Bald, Assistant Director, Michigan Historical Collec-
tion, University of Michigan; Vernon L. Beal, Records Administrator, Michi-
gan State Historical Commission; Alex Bein, Director, Central Zionist Archi-
ves, Jerusalem; Rosamond Randall Beirne, authority on Colonial Architecture;
Whitfield J. Bell, Jr., Assistant Editor, The Papers of Benjamin Franklin;
Lewis H. Bolander, Librarian, United States Naval Academy; James H. Fitz-
gerald Brewer, historian of the 175th Infantry (Fifth Maryland); M. V.
Brewington, historian of ships and shipping; Lester J. Cappon, Director,
Institute of Early American History and Culture; Charles B. Clark, historian
of Washington College; Leon deValinger, Jr., Archivist of Delaware; Wade
DeWeese, Director, United States Naval Academy Museum; Ernest Dodge,
Curator of Peabody Museum, Salem Massachusetts; Henry E. Edmunds, Ar-
chivist, Ford Motor Company; Charles E. Fenwick, President, St. Mary's


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Twentieth Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records, FY 1955
Volume 457, Page 14   View pdf image (33K)
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