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Twentieth Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records, FY 1955
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The Archivist served again this year on the Council of the Records
Management Institute which is conducted by The American University. Inter-
est in this course was greater even than last year when it was initiated, and
students had to be turned away. The Archivist was glad to contribute as much
as he could to the success of this first attempt by an American university to
provide formal training in this new and growing field. The Hall of Records
participated otherwise in the work of The American University. Members of
the course in the History and Administration of Archives, offered in coopera-
tion with the National Archives and Records Service, visited us June 1, 1955.
Two of our own staff members, Mr. Beach and Mr. Wilds, were enrolled in the

One full day, June 28, 1955, was spent at the Hall of Records by the
members of the Sixth Annual Institute of Genealogical Research. This very
useful Institute is open to both amateurs and professionals and it is conducted
under the direction of Mr. Meredith B. Colket, Jr., of the National Archives.
Those who visited the Hall of Records as members of the Institute were: Mrs.
Edward J. Chapin, Mr. Bickham Christian, Mrs. Z. V. Conyers, Mrs. G. H. L.
Dunagin, Mrs. E. E. Folsom Dyer, Miss. F. L. Eisele, Miss. M. B. Farris, Mrs.
C. M. File, Mrs. Walter M. Flood, Mrs. R. S. Harding, Miss G. L. Marr, Mrs.
R. S. McLaughlin, Miss Ethel K. Means, Mrs. J. L. Morgan, Mr. John D. Mor-
rell, Mrs. Elmer K. Nelson, Miss M. J. Owens, Miss Virginia L. Peddicord,
Mrs. M. H. Pemberton, Mrs. M. R. Plonk, Mrs. Ellen Stanley Rogers, Miss
Mary E. Sanders, Miss Mary E. Smith, Mrs. P. M. Tomlinson, Miss Ethel G.
White, Mrs. E. B. Williams, Mrs. E. Gray Williams.

The members of the First Institute on the Preservation and Administra-
tion of Archives: Advanced spent July 6, 1955, at the Hall of Records. This
Institute is reserved for professionals whose major interest here was the day-
by-day administration of our establishment. Those who attended this Institute
were: Miss Margaret M. Banks, Archivist, Department of Public Records and
Archives, Ontario Government; Miss Pamela S. Cocks, Archivist, New Zea-
land Natonal Archives; Mr. Soledad M. Eugenic, Assistant Librarian, Chem-
istry Library, Case Institute of Technology; Mr. Picot Floyd, Diocese of
Savannah, Atlanta, Georgia; Mr. A. H. Oada, Secretary, Archives of the
Ministry of Education, Cairo, Egypt; Mr. Jackson D. Saunders, Division of
Manuscripts Field Representative, University of Oklahoma; Mr. Martin A.
Schiller, Cataloguer, Municipal Archives and Records Center, New York City;
Mr. George E. Warren, Assistant Archivist, Division of State Archives and
Public Records, Denver, Colorado.

Members of our staff profited from several specialized institutes and
courses other than those offered by The American University. Mr. Caton at-
tended the seminar on Modern Office Methods and Controls for Management
given by Remington Rand, Incorporated in New York, August 16-19, 1954.


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Twentieth Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records, FY 1955
Volume 457, Page 13   View pdf image (33K)
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