MOODY, MISS ADELE S., Coat of arms of the Johnson Family. Photostat. 1 sheet.
Original loaned by Miss Moody for photocopying.
MORSE, COL. EDWARD C, (1) Map of the Chesapeake Bay area prepared by the
United States Coast Survey, entitled "Sketch C, Showing the Progress of the
Survey in Section No. III, From 1843 to 1856." 1 sheet. (2) Map of the
Patuxent & St. Mary's Rivers, Maryland, from Surveys by Major J. J. Abert and
Major J. Kearney in 1824, compiled by the Bureau of Topographical Engineers
in 1857. 1 sheet. (3) Plat of Blakeford, Lord's Gift, Hermitage, and other
tracts of land, Queen Anne's County. Not exact boundary lines but diagramatic
only, of land holdings of Charles Blake and descendants, as determined from a
study of the Blakes' wills. Photostat. 1 sheet. Gift.
MOSS, MRS. CLIFTON C., (1 ) Speech of Duncan McPherson, Esq., before the Demo-
cratic Association of the City of Baltimore, August 18, 1868, reported in short-
hand by Eugene L. Didier. Printed. 15 pages. Deposit. (2) Impeachment of
the President: Opinion of Mr. Vickers, of Maryland, in the Senate of the
United States, May 11, 1868. Printed. 8 pages. Deposit. The following were
loaned by Mrs. Moss for photocopying: (1) Muster Roll of Capt. [John Day]
Scott's Company, [1776]. Photostat. 3 sheets. (2) Weekly report of Capt.
Scott's Company, a form that was never filled out, [1776]. Photostat. 1 sheet.
(3) List of tools belonging to Capt. Scott's Company, [1776]. Photostat. 1
sheet. (4) Certificate of Allen Quynn that John Gordon took the oath of fideli-
ty, February 18, 1778. Photostat. 1 sheet. (5) List of men and the arms needed
by them, March 27, 1776. Photostat. 3 sheets. (6) Roll Call of Militia of
Fort Severn, [between 1808-1845]. Photostat. 12 sheets.
SCARLETT, CHARLES, JR., Photograph of sketch of Annapolis from the State House
Dome showing the Bordley House and McDowell Hall, 1788. 1 sheet.
SLYE, MRS. MARY DENT, (1) Surveyor's Books of George Bennet Dent, St. Mary's
County, A, B, C, D, E, F, 1869-1907. 6 volumes. Microfilm. (2) "The Name
and Family of Dent," compiled by the Media Research Bureau, Washington,
D. C. Microfilm. Originals loaned by Mrs. Slye for microfilming.
TlLP, FREDERICK, (1) Pictorial Map of St. Mary's County, Southern Maryland, de-
signed and drawn by Frederick Tilp, [1953]. 1 sheet. (2) Explanation of
historic sites on the Pictorial Map of St. Mary's County, Southern Maryland.
1 sheet. (3) An Historical Map of the Tidewater Potomac, Washington, D. C.,
to Indian Head, Maryland, by Frederick Tilp, [1953]. 1 sheet.
TRACEY, DR. ARTHUR G., (1) Map of part of Pennsylvania; New Castle, Kent, and
Sussex Counties, Delaware; and the Maryland Border, 1739, as redrawn and
revised by Arthur G. Tracey, 1954. Blueprint. 1 sheet. (2) Plat of Original
Hagerstown. Photostat. 1 sheet. (3) Charles Varle's Map of Hagerstown in
1808. Photostat. 1 sheet. (4) Map of Hagerstown, 1849. Photostat. 1 sheet.
Originals loaned by Dr. Tracey for copying.