Many of our activities do not lend themselves to statistical evaluation.
We are very conscious, however, of the increasing number of historical and
related tasks which are referred to the Archivist. In the course of the year
we prepared for the Department of Law a history of the reception of the
Fourteenth Amendment in Maryland, for use in the forthcoming segregation
cases before the United States Supreme Court. For the University of Mich-
igan we traced the history of constitutional amendment procedure in Mary-
land. Since there is no official historical agency in Maryland, we feel it our
duty to undertake work of this kind for other State agencies, if not always
for the general public. We also find it necessary to assist in any historical
celebration or other activity sponsored by local governments, to help in the
preservation of objects of art belonging to the State, to assist in the restora-
tion of buildings and monuments.
It is sometimes difficult for the Archivist to know how thin to spread
his own time and energy and the time and energy of his staff. He is especial-
ly grateful, therefore, to those members of the Commission who after exam-
ining the annual reports, comment on the scope as well as on the quantity
of our work.
Respectfully submitted,