The office of the State Employment Commissioner surveyed the Hail
of Records staff during the fiscal year 1951 but the final report and recom-
mendations were not ready until November 5, 1951. As a result of this
survey the following changes in classifications were made: Senior Steno-
grapher to Stenographer, Hall of Records; Document Photographer to
Photographer; Record Cataloguer and Indexer II to Senior Account Clerk;
Record Cataloguer and Indexer I and Editorial Assistant to Junior Archi-
vist. In addition, one Assistant Archivist was given the new classification
of Senior Archivist. Most of these changes carried with them increases in
salary. The full report of the Employment Commissioner is on file at the
Hall of Records.
Your attention is called to the fact that at the beginning of fiscal
year 1953 the persons approved at the meeting of the Hall of Records
Commission became members of the staff and are in addition to those
listed above. The new employees are one Public Records Examiner and
three members of the Microfilm Division.
The appropriation for the Hall of Records in fiscal year 1952 was
almost exactly $3,000 less than for the previous year. This apparent re-
duction was due to the fact that in fiscal year 1951 we had asked for and
been granted a large sum for the purchase of a continuous-process photo-
stat camera which is, fortunately, a non-recurring expenditure. After
meeting all necessary expenses we found it possible to revert a considerable
sum to the General Funds of the State as we had been requested to do by
the Governor.
A detailed statement of our appropriations and expenditures follows:
Summary of Appropriations Fiscal Year 1952
Salaries, Wages and Special Payments ....................
Operating Expenses ................................................
Total ..................................................................................
Summary of Expenditures Fiscal Year
Expended ..................................................................
Funds carried forward ............................................
Total ................................................................................
Balance reverted to General Funds ..........................