Bulletin No. 8, which appeared in November 1949. It is interesting to note
that beginning with almost nothing, the Hall of Records now possesses
enough indexes to fill nine pages of single-space listing. Many of the new
indexes are in microfilm form and refer to newly acquired county records
which are themselves microfilm. We may expect that in the future the
largest part of our new indexes will be on film. A list of these indexes will
also be found in this Report in "Microfilming of County Records."
We have as usual continued our indexing on cards of genealogical
materials, primarily probate, vital and service records. We have, however,
come almost to the end of the early probate papers at the Hall of Records.
Materials of this kind are still to be found in several of the courthouses of
the State, but they are small collections of minor importance and they will
be brought in shortly. In another year or two, when all the original pro-
bate papers from the beginning of each county through the federal period
will have been indexed, we shall have a card index of superior value for
the genealogist, one unsurpassed for completeness by any similar institution.
The new cards filed during the year are for the following series:
Typewritten Cards
Caroline County Census of 1778.
Caroline County Oaths of Fidelity, 1778.
Cecil County Marriage License Records, 1777-1840.
Colonial Muster Rolls, 1748-1749. Added to Index to Colonial Wars,
1732-1772 (Box 1, folders 29-39).
Executive Letter Books, 1793-1818, 1839-1866.
Frederick County Oaths of Fidelity, 1778.
Provincial Court Judgments, 1713-1716.
Queen Anne's County Administration Papers, 1707-1797.
Revolutionary Muster Rolls, 1777-1783. Added to Index to Revolu-
tionary Papers (Box 15, folders 26-40).
No edition of the Maryland Manual was issued in the course of the
year, but we began to assemble material shortly after the general election
of November 1950 and at this writing an entirely revised edition is in
press. It should be ready for distribution by December 1951.
Our volume of Prince George's County Court Records, which has been
in preparation with the cooperation of the Littleton-Griswold Committee